1. 她想要克里斯被火化
She wants Chris to be cremated.


2. 应加伯小姐的要求,私下举行仪式后就进行火化
At Miss Garbo's request, there was a cremation after a private ceremony.


3. 他的遗体将被火化并撒入大海。
The remains were later cremated and are to be scattered at sea.


4. 减少丧葬和火化延迟方面的计划将紧随其后。
Planning is under way to minimise delays in burials and cremations.


5. 如果只冷藏脑袋,身体通常是被火化或埋葬。
If the head is frozen the body is usually cremated or buried.


6. 火化之后要用水来冷却火葬场烟囱中的气体。
After cremation, water is used to cool gases in the crematorium chimney.


7. 请将我火化
Please cremate me.


8. 如果家人要求要和手机一起火化,我会之后再放入骨灰盒。
If a family wants the cell phone with a person who’s being cremated, I’ll put it in the urn afterwards.


9. 他星期一将访问甘地1948年被火化的纪念地拉吉·加特。
On Monday they visit Raj Ghat, the memorial that marks the spot of Gandhi's cremation in 1948.


10. 就像目前发生的福岛灾难一样,根本没有燃料火化大量的尸体。
As in the current Fukushima disaster, there was no fuel to cremate huge Numbers of bodies.


11. 农民在将逝者火化后,还是希望将骨灰葬在离家不远的土地里。
Farmers who had the deceased cremated still want to bury the urn in land near their homes.


12. 对因患检疫传染病而死亡的病人尸体,必须就近火化,不准移运。
The corpse of anyone who died from a quarantinable epidemic disease must be cremated at a nearby place.


13. 一年大约有两千名宠物主人登记宠物火化,偶尔也有要求安葬宠物。
About 200 owners a year book cremations and there is the occasional burial as well.


14. 不能和手机、助听器、心脏起搏器这样的电子产品,一起火化
“You can’t cremate any kind of electronic device like a cell phone or hearing aid or pacemaker,” says Perman.


15. 在英国,火化和殡葬联合会(FCBA)对于采用这个技术的态度很轻松。
Here, the Federation of Cremation and Burial Authorities (FCBA) is quite relaxed about this use of technology.


16. 自从人类在这个星球上出现,人类不是土葬就是火化掉他们的尸体。
Since they first walked the planet, humans have either buried or burned their dead.


17. 他曾经说过死后要火化,然后把骨灰撒在断背山上,我也不知道那是什么地方。
He use to say he wanted to be cremated, ashes scattered on Brokeback Mountain. I didn't know where that was.


18. 另外一个人说他失去了五个亲戚,所以我们给了他五具尸体带回家火化
Another says I lost five relatives, so we gave him five bodies to take home and bury.


19. 人行道上有电焊工在工作,火化四溅,但是我没有看见有人戴安全眼镜。
Welders worked on the pavement, sending sparks flying in all directions, but there was not a pair of safety goggles in sight.


20. 死者尸体将由一具精美的、可循环使用的木棺材运送到无烟火化设备中。
An ornate, reusable wooden casket is used to carry the deceased to the Resomator.


21. 她希望死后尸体被火化,把花园的水盆作为骨灰盒,在水盆的柱子里装上她的骨灰。
She wanted to be cremated and chose for her funeral urn a garden birdbath;the support column would contain her ashes.


22. 她希望死后尸体被火化,把花园的水盆作为骨灰盒,在水盆的柱子里装上她的骨灰。
She wanted to be cremated and chose for her funeral urn a garden birdbath; the support column would contain her ashes.


23. “我一直在想,也许我该把她火化的,”Roland说,“也许她更希望那样。”
“I keep thinking maybe I should have had her cremated,” Roland said. “Maybe she would have liked that.”


24. 他们估计,上周六在结古镇外一个长满草的山坡上,他们火化了超过1000具尸体。
They estimated they cremated more than 1,000 bodies on a grassy hillside outside Gyegu on Saturday.


25. 迄今为止被发现的最早人类遗骸是一个由考古学家在北美北极发现的被火化的三岁儿童。
The earliest human remains ever discovered in the Arctic of North America have been uncovered by archaeologists - those of a cremated three-year-old child.


26. 在他的尸体火化后,他的妻子会把他的骨灰存放在家里很多年,最后把它撒在谷仓的周围。
After his body was cremated, his wife kept his ashes in their house for many years, finally scattering them by the barn.


27. 其他军用化学品的化学性质,包括控暴剂、除草剂、烟学品的相关综述文章。
Chemistry of Other Military chemical Compoundsincludes reviews on riot control agents, herbicides, and flame and smoke-producing chemicals.


28. 多年来一直有传闻说,他是被火化的,但其遗嘱中并没有提到这点,他的家人于是选择了土葬。
For years he had talked about being cremated, but he made no provisions in his will, and his family opted for burial.


29. 只有投资商能把陵墓放到市场上,因为根据墓园管理条例,只有有死亡或火化证明才能购买坟墓。
And only investors can put tombs on the market, because tombs can only be bought with a death or cremation certification according to cemetery administration rules.


30. 只有投资商能把陵墓放到市场上,因为根据墓园管理条例,只有有死亡或火化证明才能购买坟墓。
And only investors can put tombs on the market, because tombs can only be bought with a death or cremation certification according to cemetery administration rules.
