1. 吃早餐时,珍妮已坐在她的对面
Jennie had sat opposite her at breakfast.


2. 15日新月会出现在天秤座的对面
The new moon takes place in your opposite sign of Libra on the 15th.


3. 我们住在马路对面再远一点的地方。
We live further down on the opposite side of the road.


4. 突然,她已经与死神面对面了。
She has suddenly come face to face with her own mortality.


5. 他们在卡斯特罗剧院对面停了车。
They parked across from the Castro Theatre.


6. 我街对面的邻居们去过相当多的地方。
My neighbours across the street travel a fair amount.


7. 我所在的街对面有一两个警察在站岗。
Across the street from me there are a couple of police officers standing guard.


8. 我能看到烟从正对面的窗户里冒出来。
I could see smoke coming from the windows of the house directly opposite.


9. 咖啡馆就在马路对面那边。
The cafe is just across the road over there.


10. 他用粗短的手指指了指他对面的一把木椅。
He pointed a stubby finger at a wooden chair opposite him.


11. 他走在街对面,以唤起对这栋大楼的记忆。
He walked on the opposite side of the street to refresh his memory of the building.


12. 我对面是个叫杰丝明德(简称杰丝)的女人。
Opposite me was a woman called Jasminder (Jazzy for short).


13. 他们正努力要把一张旧沙发搬到马路对面去。
They were trying to manhandle an old sofa across the road.


14. 尼娜的目光碰上了桌对面她的姐妹们的目光。
Nina's eyes met her sisters' across the table.


15. 他毫无风度地往她对面的椅子上一屁股坐下。
He dropped gracelessly into a chair opposite her.


16. 晚上,灯光在山谷对面远处的小木屋里闪烁。
At night, lights twinkle in distant cabins across the valleys.


17. 街对面就有一家银行。
There's a bank right across the street.


18. 他在一盏街灯下停了下来,看着对面的咖啡馆。
He paused under a streetlamp and looked across at the cafe.


19. 监狱在法院对面
The prison is opposite the law court.


20. 当看见房间对面的你时,我知道我以前曾见过你。
When I saw you across the room I knew I'd met you before.


21. 惟一的照明来自对面墙上位于高处的一扇小窗户。
The only illumination came from a small window high in the opposite wall.


22. 从街对面那栋房子开着的窗户里传出嘈杂的音乐声。
Music blared from the open window of the house across the way.


23. 它所处位置非常便利,就在市参考图书馆的马路对面
It was very conveniently situated just across the road from the City Reference Library.


24. 他抬头看了看对面那些楼,但看不见一扇开着的窗户。
He looked up at the buildings opposite, but could see no open window.


25. 他一边看着对面的杰克逊,一边在笔记本上信手涂鸦。
He looked across at Jackson, doodling on his notebook.


26. 克莱儿打开远光灯,更好地看了一眼公路对面的树木。
Claire switched on her high beams for a better look at the trees across the road.


27. 在生意场上,与尽可能多的人建立面对面的关系网是重要的。
In business, it is important to network with as many people as possible on a face to face basis.


28. 一座毫无生气的购物中心对面就是少有的几个别具特色的建筑物之一:市政厅。
A soulless shopping centre stands across from one of the few buildings with character, the town hall.


29. 看看马路对面
Check across the street.


30. 他试的结果不抱很大希望。
He is not very hopeful about the outcome of the interview.
