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词根:popul, publ = people(人)



1. populous [满是人的popul(=people)]
  populate v.使居住 population n.人口;(某地城的)全体居民
  Worldwide,the regions near the equator are quite populous.在全世界,赤道附近区城人口相当稠密。

2. depopulate v.人口减少 *de(=down)
  depopulation n.人口减少 depopulation policy减少人口政策
  country depopulated by war/famine(人口因为战争/饥饿而缩减的国家)

3. popular adj.民众的;大众的,通俗的,流行的;得人心的,受欢迎的
  popularly adj.普遍地;大众地
  popular bonds/discontent /election/education/front/opinion/sovereignty/subscription/vote (公债/民众的不满/普选/普通教育/人民阵线/舆论/人民主权/大众订阅/直接投票)popular song/singer(流行歌曲/歌手)

4. popularity n.名望;大众化;流行;受欢迎
  win popularity 受到欢迎; popularity poll 声望调查; enjoy great/general popularity 深受欢迎,获得广泛好评

5. populace n.民众;平民

6. popularize v.使通俗,使普及 *ize(=make)
  popularize a new method of teaching spelling 普及新的拼写教法

7. populism n.(P~)平民主义,平民论;民粹派
  populist n.平民主义者,平民论者;民粹论者

8. public adj.公众的;公共的;为公众事务的;国家的;公开的;闻名的,众所周知的
  n. (the~)公众,民众;志趣相同或(从事同类活动的)群体 *publ<popul(=people)
  publicly adj.公开地
  certified public accountant <美>执业会计师(缩写:CPA);public relations 公共关系;book that will appeal to a large public广大读者会喜爱的书;in public公然地,公开地

9. publish v.出版;发表;公布,颁布(法律等)*publ<popul(=people)
  publishing 出版(业);publishing house/company/firm 出版社,出版公司
  publish the news 发布新闻 ;publish an edict/law 公布布告/法令

10. publisher n.出版商;发表者;(报社)业主;(报刊)发行人 *publ<popul(=people)
  publisher's imprint (版本(书的书名页或版权页上标注的出版人、出版地点、出版时间、版次、印数等说明)

11. publication n.出版;出版物;公布,发表 *publ<popul(=people)
  date of publication 出版日期;monthly/weekly publication 月刊/周刊出版物;publication of a report 报告的公布

12. publicize v.(尤其指用广告)宣传 *publ<popul(=people)

词根:phon-, phem-, phet- = sound(声音), speak(说话)

  来自希腊语的phon 意为sound。同义词根有来自拉丁语的son 和来自希腊语的ech。
   (*希腊文 phone (sound),phemi(=I speak) —— 英文字根字典)


1. cacophonous adj.(声音)剌耳的;发音不和谐的 [听起来声音不好的 caco (=bad) + phon (=sound)]
  cacophony n. 不和谐音
  There was a constant cacophonous hubbub in the substitute teacher's classroom.代课教师的教室里不断发出刺耳的吵闹声。

2. euphony n.悦耳之音,和谐音 *eu- (=well (和“u”的发音相同)) euphonious

3. megaphone n.扩音器 *mega (=great)

4. microphone n.麦克风 *micro (= small)

5. symphony n.交响曲,交响乐;交响乐团(的演出) *sym<syn(=together)
  symphonic 交响的 symphonic poem交响诗
  symphony orchestra 交响乐团

6. telephone n.电话 v.打电话 *tele (=far)
  telephony n.电话学;电话(指通讯方式);telephonist n. 接线员;话务员
  telephone book (directory)/booth/call/exchange/line/message/number/operator/receiver/set/subscriber 电话簿/公用电话亭/电话/电话局/电话线/电话留言备/电话号码/话务员/听筒/电话机/电话用户
  I'll phone you tomorrow.我明天给你打电话。

7. xylophone n.木琴 *xylo (=tree,wood)

8. phoneme n.(语)音素;语音
  phonemic adj.语音的;phonemics n.语音学
  English has 24 consonant phonemes.英语有24个辅音音素

9. phonetic adj.(语)音素的;表示语音的;语音学的
  phonetics n.语音学
  phonetic notation /spelling /signs (alphabet,symbols)(注音/表音拼写法/音标)

10. phonic adj.音的;(语)语音的
   phonics n.读音法;声学

11. phonograph 留声机 *graph (=write)

12. phonology n.音韵学 *ology (=science)

13. phonetician n.语音学家

14. phonogenic adj.产生良好音响的(产生声音)《gen = to produce》

15. phonogram n.标音文字;(速记的)表音字《gram = to write》

16. phonography n.表音速记法;表音拼字法 (声音的记录)《graphy = writing》

17. phonometer n.音波测定器 《meter = 计量器》

18. phonophile n.唱片爱好者;音响爱好者 《phile = to love》

19. phonovision n.电视电话

20. gramophone n.[英]留声机(=[美]phonograph)

21. homophone n.同音异形异义字(声音相同)

22. interphone n.内部电话;内线电话;对讲机 (= intercom)(互通声音)《inter- =mutual》

23. megaphone n.传声筒;扩音器(将声音放大的东西)《mega- = large》

24. blaspheme v.亵渎(神祗);咒骂

25. euphemism n.婉言;委婉的说法(听起来舒服的说法)《eu- =well》

26. euphuism n.华丽的词藻;夸饰的文体

27. prophecy n.预言;(代神)发言

28. prophet n.预言者;预言家

前缀:mis- 表示“错误, 坏”

mistake 错误(mis+take拿→拿错→错误)

misspell 拼写错误(mis+spell拼写)

misunderstand 误解(mis+understand理解)

misdoing 坏事(mis+doing做事)

misrule 对…施暴政(mis+rule统治→统治不善)

misfortune 不幸(mis+fortune幸运的)

mistrust 不信任(mis+trust相信)

misanthrope 愤世嫉俗者(mis+anthrope人→不喜欢人)

miscreant 恶棍(mis+creant做事的人→做坏事的人)

mishap 坏运气,不幸(mis+hap运气→运气不好)

mischievous 恶作剧的(mis+chiev=chief首领+ous→做坏事的首领)

前缀:mis- 误、错、恶、不

misspell 拼错

mishear 误闻,听错

misread 读错

misremember 记错

misuse 误用,滥用

misdoing 恶行,坏事

misunderstand 误解

mistreat 虐待

mistranslate 错译

misrule 对...施暴政

misstep 失足

mistrust 不信任

mispolicy 失策

misfortune 不幸


【来源及含义】Greek: web, cloth, tissue

【相关描述】Many etymologically related words with the same family meanings with slightly different spellings are available at this histo- unit of words.

【同源单词】histiocyte, histiocytoma, histioid, histio-irritative, histionic, histocytosis

词根词缀:humid-, humor-

【来源及含义】Latin: moist, moisture, wet, damp

【相关描述】The correct spelling of the Latin origins is umor, umere, umidus. The spelling with the initial h is a result of folk (false) etymology, which once associated these words with Latin humus, "earth".

【相关词根词缀】Related "jest; joke; wit; humor; funny" word units: faceti-; farc-; jocu-; lud-; satir-.

【同源单词】dehumidify, humid, humidification, humidifier, humidify, humidistat

词根词缀:hysteres-, hystere-

【来源及含义】Greek: shortcoming, deficiency; to be behind, to come late, to lag; later

【相关描述】This hesteres unit of words is not related to a similarly spelled hystero- unit of words referring to the "womb" or "uterus"; and hysteria.

【同源单词】hysteresis, hysteresis clutch, hysteresis coefficient, hysteresis coupling, hysteresis cycle, hysteresis error

词根词缀:hystero-, hyster-, hysteri-

【来源及含义】Greek: the womb or uterus; hysteria

【相关描述】"Hysteric disturbances", that most frequently occur in women were ascribed erroneously by ancient Greeks to the influence of the womb and were, for this reason, called hysteria, "disease of the womb".

This hestero- unit is not related to a similarly spelled hysteres- unit of words referring to "shortcoming, deficiency; to be behind, to come late, to lag; later".

【同源单词】colpohysteropexy, colpohysterotomy, electrohysterogram, electrohysterography, epidemic hysteria, hesteriac

词根词缀:inter-, intero-

【来源及含义】Latin: between; among, mutually, together; on the inside, internal

【相关描述】Although abstracted from the many compounds in which it entered English, the form inter- was not generally considered a living prefix in English until the 1400s.

During the later period of Middle English many words borrowed in the Old and Middle French forms entre-, enter- began to be consciously respelled with Latin inter-; although vestiges of the older French borrowings are found in entertain and enterprise.

The living prefix inter- is now freely added to almost any element in English to create such formations with the meaning of "between" and "among". The words formed by intra- are closely related to this inter- prefix; in fact, they both apparently came from the same Latin source.

【相关词根词缀】 Related "together" units: com-; greg-; struct-. Cross references of word families related directly, or indirectly, to: "internal organs, entrails, inside": ent-; enter-; fistul-; incret-; intra-; splanchn-; viscer-.

【同源单词】ad interim, anterointernal, Caput inter nubila condit, electrical interference, electron compound, inter canem et lupum


【来源及含义】Latin: a suffix; to act in a certain way; to treat in a certain way; to make into; to treat with; to do; to make; to cause

【相关描述】 Another closely related suffix family with the same meanings, but a different spelling, is located at this -ize unit.

【同源单词】advertise, advisedly, apprise, chastise, comprise, compromise