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词根:cyan(o) = 蓝, 青, 氰

  词根来源于希腊语,相应的拉丁语词根为:-cerule- 蓝,该词根不常用。


1. cyanate  [cyan 氰,-ate 化学名词后缀,表“酸盐”]

2. cyanic  [cyan 氰,-ic ...的]

3. cyanide  [cyan 氰,-ide 化合物]
  n. 氰化物

4. cyanite  [cyan 蓝,-ite 石]

5. cyanogenetic  [cyano 氰,gen 产生,-etic ...的]

6. cyanohydrin  [cyano 氰,hydr 水,-in 化学名词后缀]

7. cyanometer  [cyano 蓝,meter 测量器]

8. cyanotic  [cyan 青,-otic 急...病的]

9. cyanosis  [cyan 青,-sis 表示疾病名称的后缀]

10. cyanuric  [cyan 氰,ur 尿,-ic ...的]

11. anthocyanin  [antho 花,cyan青,-in 素]

12. ferricyanide  [ferri 铁,cyan 氰,-ide 化合物]

13. hydrocyanic  [hydro 水,氢 ,cyan 氰,-ic ...的]

14. hemocyanin  [hemo 血,cyan 蓝,-in 表化学名词后缀]

词根词缀:-ectomy, -ectome, -ectomize

【来源及含义】Greek: a suffix; cut, excise, surgical removal of

【相关词根词缀】 Related cutting-word units: cast-; castrat-; -cise, -cide; mutil-; put-; sec-, seg-; temno-; -tomy; trunc-.

【同源单词】abdominal hysterectomy, abdominal nephrectomy, abdominohysterectomy, acetabulectomy, acromionectomy, adenectomy

词根词缀:hem-, haem-, hemo-, haemo, hema-, haema-, hemato-, haemato-, hemat-, haemat-, -hemia, -haemia, -hemic, -haemic

【来源及含义】Greek: blood

【相关词根词缀】Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving "blood" word units: angi-; apheresis; -emia; hemoglobin-; phleb-; sangui-; vas-; vascul-.

【同源单词】actinohematin, angiohemophilia, anhematosis, anhemolytic, anhemopoiesis, antihemagglutinin

词根词缀:histor-, histori-

【来源及含义】Greek > Latin: historical narrative; past events, past knowledge

【相关词根词缀】 Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units meaning "know, knowledge; learn, learning": cogni-; discip-; gno-; intellect-; learn, know; math-; sap-; sci-; sopho-.

【同源单词】ahistorical, ethnohistorian, ethnohistoric, ethnohistorical, ethnohistory, future history

词根词缀:hyper-, hyp-

【来源及含义】Greek: above, over; excessive; more than normal; abnormal excess [in medicine]; abnormally great or powerful sensation [in physical or pathological terms]; highest [in chemical compounds]

【相关词根词缀】 Related "above, over, beyond the normal, excessive" word units: epi-; super-, supra-, sur; ultra-, ult-. Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units meaning "more, plentiful, fullness, excessive, over flowing": copi-; exuber-; multi-; opulen-; ple-; pleio-; plethor-; poly-; super-; total-; ultra-; undu-.

【同源单词】acrohyperhidrosis, adenohypersthenia, alcoholemia, angiohypertonia, auditory hyperesthesia, bathyhyperesthesia

词根词缀:hypo-, hyp-

【来源及含义】Greek: under, below, beneath; less than; too little; deficient, diminished; used as a prefix

【同源单词】acoustic hypoesthesia, acrohypothermia, acrohypothermy, adenohypophysis, adenohypophysitis, angiohypotonia


【来源及含义】Latin: unbound, free from, pure; pertaining to protection against or freedom from disease

【同源单词】coctoimmunogen, electroimmunodiffusion, immunodiagnosis, immunohistochemistry, immunology, immunopotence

词根词缀:ino-, in-

【来源及含义】Greek: force, strength; seat of strength; muscle, sinew; fibrous vessel in a muscle

【同源单词】inoblast, inogen, inogenesis, inogenous, inoglia, inohymenitis


【来源及含义】Latin: within, inside, on the inside

【相关描述】Borrowed from late Latin intra-; closely related to inter-, "between". The use of intra- is largely a product of modern times, occurring in words of common and technical vocabulary, where once it was generally a term used in science and the academic world.

While some words are borrowings from Medieval and even Late Latin, few if any come from Classical Latin.

【相关词根词缀】Cross references of word families related directly, or indirectly, to: "internal organs, entrails, inside": ent-; enter-; fistul-; incret-; inter-; splanchn-; viscer-.

【同源单词】Ab intra, abdominohysterotomy, Discere si cupias intra, endopelvic, international, intra muros

词根词缀:phon-, phono-

【来源及含义】Greek: (classic and modern) phono, phonos; slaughter, kill, murder, homicide

【相关描述】Don't confuse this phono-, phon- with another phono-, phon-, etc. that means "sound, voice, speech". In Greek, a distinction is made between the phonos (PHOH nohs), "murder", which is spelled with the letter omicron in the last syllable; and the Greek phonos (phoh NOHS), "voice", which is spelled with the letter omega in the last syllable. Both omicron and omega became the letter "o" in English.

【相关词根词缀】 Related "death, dead; kill" units: -cide; lethal-; mort-; neci-; necro-; thanato-.

【同源单词】androphonomania, Androphonos, autophonomania, buphonia, phonomania, phonos