volitionyoudaoicibaDictYouDict[volition 词源字典]
volition: [17] Volition comes via French volition from medieval Latin volitiō, a noun derived from Latin volō ‘I will’. Together with English will, this went back ultimately to Indo-European *wel-, *wol- ‘be pleasing’, which also produced English volunteer and voluptuous.
=> voluntary, volunteer, voluptuous, will[volition etymology, volition origin, 英语词源]
volition (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
1610s, from French volition (16c.), from Medieval Latin volitionem (nominative volitio) "will, volition," noun of action from Latin stem (as in volo "I wish") of velle "to wish," from PIE root *wel- (2) "to wish, will" (see will (v.)). Related: Volitional.