
英 [sə,pɒzɪ'tɪʃəs] 美 [sə,pɑzə'tɪʃəs]
  • adj. 假想的;冒充的;想像的
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1. sup- "under" + posit- + -itious(复合后缀:-ity, -ous).
2. 字面含义:put or place under.
3. => assume as the basis of argument. => admit as possible, to believe to be true.
4. => assumption, hypothesis.
5. influenced by Greek hypothesis.
6. supposition <=> hypothesis. 它们有殊途同归、异曲同工之妙。
supposititious (adj.)
"put by artifice in place of another," 1610s, from Latin supposititius, from suppositus, past participle of supponere (see suppose).