
  • n. (古罗马)农神节(十二月中旬);狂欢喧闹
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Saturnalia 农神节

来自拉丁语 Saturnalia,农神节,即农神 Saturn 的节日,-alia,在拉丁语表宗教节日。

saturnalia (n.)
time of merrymaking, 1590s, from Latin Saturnalia, ancient Roman festivals of Saturn (held in December), a time of merrymaking for all, from neuter plural of adjective Saturnalis "pertaining to Saturn," from Saturnus (see Saturn). They correspond to the Greek Kronia. The extended sense of "period of unrestrained revelry" is first attested 1782. Related: Saturnalian.
1. The Romans called this celebration Saturnalia, in honor of their god Saturn.
古罗马人称其为农神节, 为了纪念他们的神“萨杜恩”.
