
  • n. 波多贝罗(爱丁堡海滩)
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type of mushroom, by 1986, no agreed-upon theory accounts for the name, which seems to be a marketing coinage. London's Portobello Road (one suggested source of the mushroom name) originally was the lane to Porto Bello House, named for the Panamanian place captured by the British under Vernon in 1739.
1. She's been at Madagascar, and a Malabar , and Surinam, and Providence, and Portobello.
它到过非洲的马达加斯加 、 印度的马拉巴尔 、 南美的苏里南 、 北美的普罗维登斯和苏格兰的波托贝洛.

来自英汉文学 - 金银岛