
  • int. 祝你健康; 对刚打喷嚏的人的祝愿;(德)为你的健康干杯!
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尽管看上去压根儿不像英语单词,但它真地会出现在英语对话中。它在德语里的意思是“健康”。不过在美国,大家会在有人打喷嚏的时候说一声 Gesundheit!(其他英语国家会说“bless you”)表示祝福。

这个词之所以在美国更常用,可能是因为过去 200 年里来到美国的德国移民要比去英国的更多。
gesundheit 别人打喷嚏时说祝你健康

来自德语。ge-, 强调,词源同game. -sund, 同sound, 健康,健全。-heit, 同-hood.

gesundheit (interj.)
1914, from German Gesundheit, literally "health!", from Old High German gisunt, gisunti "healthy" (see sound (adj.)). Also in the German toast auf ihre Gesundheit "to your health." Lithuanian aciu, echoic of the sound of a sneeze, has come to mean "good luck, God bless you." God bless you after someone sneezes is credited to St. Gregory the Great, but the pagan Romans (Absit omen) and Greeks had similar customs.