
英 [ʃɑː'kuːt(ə)rɪ] 美 [ʃɑr,kjʊtə'ri]
  • n. 熟食店;猪肉店
  • n. (Charcuterie)人名;(法)沙尔屈特里
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charcuterie (n.)
1858, from French charcuterie, literally "pork-butcher's shop," from charcuter (16c.), from obsolete char (Modern French chair) cuite "cooked flesh," from chair "meat" (Old French char, from Latin carnem; see carnage) + cuit, past participle of cuire "to cook." Compare French charcutier "pork butcher; meat roaster, seller of cooked (not raw) meat."
1. Culinary suggestions: Charcuterie Fricassee of pork. Grilled fish.
配餐建议: 烤鱼,炖肉.


2. Culinary suggestions: Excellent as an aperitif. Charcuterie , snails Veal scallop with mushrooms. Light cheeses.
配餐建议: 是开胃酒的首选. 蜗牛,蘑菇扇贝, 清淡奶酪.
