
英 [,bælə'klɑːvə] 美 [,bælə'klɑvə]
  • n. 巴拉克拉法帽
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balaclava (n.)
"woolen head covering," especially worn by soldiers, evidently named for village near Sebastopol, Russia, site of a battle Oct. 25, 1854, in the Crimean War. But the term (originally Balaclava helmet) does not appear before 1881 and seems to have come into widespread use in the Boer War. The British troops suffered from the cold in the Crimean War, and the usage might be a remembrance of that conflict. The town name (Balaklava) often is said to be from Turkish, but is perhaps folk-etymologized from a Greek original Palakion.
1. To him all this strongly smelled of the Battle of Balaclava.


2. Iris Thompson lives in Balaclava , high in the central mountains of western Jamaica.
艾里斯·汤普森生活在马拉克拉法, 西牙买加的中部高山上.
