
英 [,ænɪməd'vɜːʃ(ə)n] 美 [,ænəmæd'vɝʃən]
  • n. 批评;非难;评语
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1、anim- "mind" + ad- "to" + vers- + -ion.
2、字面含义:turn the mind to sth. => especially turn the mind to the fault.
animadversion (n.)
1590s, "criticism, blame," also sometimes in early use simply "notice, attention" (now obsolete), from Latin animadversionem (nominative animadversio) "investigation, inquiry; perception, observation," noun of action from past participle stem of animadverte "to take cognizance of," literally "to turn the mind to," from animum, accusative of animus "mind" (see animus), + advertere "to turn to" (see advertise). The sense of "to take notice of as a fault" was in Latin; in fact animadverto at times was a euphemism for "to punish with death."
1. Their animadversion caused from the deep pain, disappoint and sorrow to the western civilization.
艺术家和诗人的批判性锋芒,流露出对西方文明深深的痛苦 、 无尽的失望和悲哀.


2. Utopia is the thorough animadversion and disavowal against political reality latterend of the former.


3. In 1940 s, Tendency of affirmation and animadversion to male was deepened in Ding Lings works.
在1940年代, 丁玲的作品中对男性表现出肯定与批判的双向深化的倾向.


4. In this article, the author focuses on the anti - feudalism consciousness, tragedy consciousness and animadversion consciousness.
本文主要论述了意识倾向变化中的 反 封建意识 、 悲剧意识和批判意识.


5. The teacher gives public recognition, the animadversion has never appeared her name as well.
老师表扬 、 批评也从未出现过她的名字.
