1. Go rather even to the anim - als! Do you not want to be like me - a bear among bears, a bird among birds?


2. Lifespan Head UV Anim – Starting and ending cell number for animating texture sequence of the first half of the Head particle's life. Repeat will cause this animating texture to cycle.
头部粒子衰亡贴图行列数: 头部粒子衰亡阶段在贴图中的起始和结束行列代号,选择重复将使贴图循环。


3. Lifespan Head UV Anim – Starting and ending cell number for animating texture sequence of the first half of the Head particle's life. Repeat will cause this animating texture to cycle.
头部粒子衰亡贴图行列数: 头部粒子衰亡阶段在贴图中的起始和结束行列代号,选择重复将使贴图循环。
