
英 [væl'hælə] 美
  • n. 瓦尔哈拉殿堂(北欧神话中死亡之神奥丁款待阵亡将士英灵的殿堂);英烈祠
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Valhalla 瓦尔哈拉殿堂(北欧神话中阵亡将士与奥丁神居住的宫殿)


Valhalla (n.)
heavenly hall in which Odin receives the souls of heroes slain in battle, 1696 (in Archdeacon Nicolson's "English Historical Library"), from Old Norse Valhöll "hall of the battle-slain;" first element from valr "those slain in battle," from Proto-Germanic *walaz (cognates: Old English wæl "slaughter, bodies of the slain," Old High German wal "battlefield, slaughter"), from PIE root *wele- (2) "to strike, wound" (cognates: Avestan vareta- "seized, prisoner," Latin veles "ghosts of the dead," Old Irish fuil "blood," Welsh gwel "wound"). Second element is from höll "hall," from PIE root *kel- (2) "to conceal" (see cell). Reintroduced by 18c. antiquaries. Figurative sense is from 1845.
1. Heroes visiting the Hall of Valhalla in a Stronghold become better warriors.
