1. NIDIA GONZALEZ: "So far, what I've gotten, the number five flight attendant's been stabbed, but she seems to be breathing."


2. Nidia Matamoros of Nicaragua, a member of the Miskito indigenous group's project, saw her trip delayed because of storm-canceled flights, but managed to arrive Sunday.
尼加拉瓜的Nidia Matamoros是Miskito土著人群项目的成员,她乘坐的航班因风暴而取消并因此耽搁了行程,但还是设法于周日赶到。


3. Nidia Matamoros of Nicaragua, a member of the Miskito indigenous group's project, saw her trip delayed because of storm-canceled flights, but managed to arrive Sunday.
尼加拉瓜的Nidia Matamoros是Miskito土著人群项目的成员,她乘坐的航班因风暴而取消并因此耽搁了行程,但还是设法于周日赶到。
