1. So that you can try this without creating a mail-in database, there's a similar agent, "GMan Samples \ 1."
所以可以尝试该代理,而不用创建mail - in数据库。有一个类似的代理“GMan Samples \ 1。”


2. In the sample database, use the GMan help action or press F1 from any view to see full documentation of the custom classes.
在数据库示例中,使用GMan帮助操作或从任何视图按f 1就可以查看定制类的全部文档。


3. As with Example 1, the agent GMan Process subscription requests controls membership of mail-only groups based on mail-in subscription requests from users.
与例1一样,代理GMan ProcessSubscriptionRequests根据用户的mail - in订阅请求,控制只使用邮件的组的成员资格。


4. As with Example 1, the agent GMan Process subscription requests controls membership of mail-only groups based on mail-in subscription requests from users.
与例1一样,代理GMan ProcessSubscriptionRequests根据用户的mail - in订阅请求,控制只使用邮件的组的成员资格。
