1. 渔船在康沃尔海岸外礁石上搁浅了。
The fishing boat had been grounded on rocks off the coast of Cornwall.


2. 我能看见右侧的那艘渔船
I could see the fishing boat to starboard.


3. 拖网渔船在冰岛沿海捕鱼。
The trawler was fishing off the coast of Iceland.


4. 很多渔船系泊在码头。
A number of fishing boats were moored to the quay.


5. 一艘渔船与一艘货轮在风大浪急的海上相撞了。
A fishing vessel and a cargo ship collided in rough seas.


6. 后来,他常乘朋友的渔船出海。
Later, he used to go to sea on his friend's fishing boat.


7. 渔船上的灯火忽悠忽悠的。
Lights flickered on the fishing boats.


8. 他的渔船触礁失事了。
His fishing boat got wrecked on a rock.


9. 渔船厄于风暴。
The fishing boat was caught in a storm.


10. 1992年,非法渔船开始在贝鲁基亚国的领海非法捕捞龙虾。
In 1992 outlaw fishing boats began illegally harvesting lobsters from the territorial waters of the country of Belukia.


11. 11名渔船船员在一个废弃的军事基地躲避了近三个月后获救。
Eleven fishing boat crew have been rescued after sheltering nearly three months at an abandoned military base.


12. 因此,当年非法捕捞的渔船很可能非法捕捞了约9000吨龙虾。
It is therefore highly likely that the outlaw fishing boats harvested about 9,000 tons of lobster illegally that year.


13. 这些人跳伞到危险地区和巨大的渔船一起划桨前进、或者从飞机上散发小册子。
These people parachute into dangerous areas, paddle alongside massive fishing boats, or release pamphlets from airplanes.


14. 巴斯克人、荷兰人和英国人发明了第一艘适应相对寒冷多风暴的大西洋的近海渔船
The Basques, Dutch, and English developed the first offshore fishing boats adapted to a colder and stormier Atlantic.


15. 当我还是个大学生的时候,我甚至在阿拉斯加的一艘商业渔船上工作了好几个夏天。
I even worked on a commercial fishing boat in Alaska a couple of summers while I was an undergraduate.


16. 这份报告还强调了渔船搁浅、石油泄漏和意外事件,这些事件对南极生态系统构成了严重威胁。
The report also highlights incidents of fishing boats being involved in groundings, oil spills and accidents, which posed a serious threat to the Antarctic ecosystem.


17. 鳕鱼干和鲱鱼干已经是欧洲鱼类贸易的主要产品,但水温的变化迫使渔船在离岸更远的地方作业。
Dried cod and herring were already the staples of the European fish trade, but changes in water temperatures forced fishing fleets to work further offshore.


18. 你可以把任务派给其中的一名招待员、伴娘,让他们早上去当地的市场,买几条刚刚从渔船上打下的鲜鱼。
You could give the responsibility to one of your ushers and a bridesmaid to go to the local market in the morning to purchase some fish, fresh off the boats.


19. 那只拖网渔船已经从泽布吕赫港启航。
The trawler had sailed from the port of Zeebrugge.


20. 为了一艘在北大西洋失踪的拖网渔船,已经开始了一项大的营救行动。
A big rescue operation has been launched for a trawler missing in the North Atlantic.


21. 我们带着我们的小渔船
We took our little fishing boat with us.


22. 在卡拉卡尔帕克斯坦,他一想到沙尘暴、疾病以及困在离海数英里处的渔船,内心便悲伤不已。
In Karakalpakstan, he is saddened by the dust storms, diseases and fishing boats stuck miles from the sea.


23. 一天,他驾着渔船出去打渔。
One day, he went fishing on a fishing boat.


24. 以阿拉斯加流浪者号为例,这艘长达56米的拖网渔船于2008年沉没在白令海。
Take the case of the Alaska Ranger, a 184-foot trawler that sank in the Bering Sea in 2008.


25. 这艘独桅艇是一艘经典的渔船
The catboat is a classic fishing boat.


26. 一只渔船驶过缅甸丹老群岛海域。
A fishing boat moves past the Myanmar's Mergui Archipelago.


27. 一位在日本海域捕鱼的中国拖网渔船可以帮助弄清两个重要信息。
A Chinese trawlerman for fishing in Japanese waters could help clarify two important messages.


28. 他以灵巧的动作使小渔船调过头来。
With a skillful movement he rounded the small fishing-boat.


29. 没有渔船,没有渔网,怎样打鱼啊?
Without fishing boat and fishing net, how could the boy catch fish?


30. 目前,中国渔民及渔船安全。
The Chinese fishermen and fishing boat are currently safe.
