1. 1000吨原油从油轮泄漏到了海里。
A thousand tons of crude oil has spilled into the sea from an oil tanker.


2. 油轮未能对停止前进的指令做出反应。
The tanker failed to respond to a command to stop.


3. 油轮那时正在运送液态氮。
The tanker was carrying liquid nitrogen.


4. 一艘希腊油轮已经搁浅了。
A Greek oil tanker has run aground.


5. 7万吨油从油轮漏出。
Seventy thousand tons of oil spilled from the tanker.


6. 油轮已开始漏油。
The tanker began to spill its cargo of oil.


7. 油轮外部金属板覆层破裂的那一瞬间,开始漏油。
The tanker began spilling oil the moment her outer plating ruptured.


8. 他们谦虚地谈论了他们为让油轮保持不沉而付出的英勇努力。
They talked modestly of their valiant efforts to keep the tanker afloat.


9. 在特立尼达,一艘墨西哥油轮上的船员周末被隔离。
In Trinidad, the crew aboard a Mexican tanker was kept in isolation over the weekend.


10. 如果有几个罗宾汉划着小船在非洲之角附近的油轮上行窃呢?
What if several Robin Hoods were rowing a boat to steal on tankers near the Horn of Africa?


11. 他们在错误的方向设置了一个系统,这就像驾驶一艘超级油轮
They set a system in wrong directions, and it's like steering a supertanker.


12. 从井中泄漏的石油比油轮事故中泄漏的加工过的石油要浓稠得多。
Oil from well leaks is much thicker than the processed oil that spills during tanker accidents.


13. 研究人员通过卫星与油轮船长分享了他们关于鲸鱼位置的实时数据。
The researchers shared their real-time data on the location of the whales with the tanker captain via satellite.


14. 工程师们认为,如果拖船像超级油轮一样大,那么长11公里、宽2公里的冰山就可以被运输出去。
Engineers think that an iceberg up to 11 kilometres long and 2 kilometres wide could be transported if the tug pulling it was as big as a supertanker.


15. 这样的调查是在1996年“海皇后号”(Sea Empress)油轮漏油袭击威尔士海岸之前进行的。
Such a survey was done before oil from the tanker Sea Empress hit the Welsh coast in 1996.


16. 他们应当停止从油轮上往海里倾倒废弃物。
They should stop offloading waste from oil tankers into the sea.


17. 那动人心魄的轮廓,那远洋油轮的一隅,那游乐场的一角,这一切都将内部的困难掩盖了起来。
The dramatic silhouettes, part ocean liner, part funfair, all disguise the difficulties within.


18. 1960年,油轮“汉密尔顿”号在比利时塔米斯建造。
In 1960, the tanker "Hamilton" was built at Tamise, Belgium.


19. 1969年,第一座巨型油轮建成。
In 1969 the first ULCC's were built.


20. 这艘油轮在一个沙洲上搁浅了。
The oil tanker ran aground on a sandbank.


21. 油轮正在泄漏数千加仑汽油。
The tanker was discharging thousands of gallons of oil.


22. 油轮泄露的原油量要比离岸钻井多。
More oil is spilled from tankers than from offshore Wells.


23. 一艘印度化学油轮在阿曼海岸被劫持。
An Indian chemical tanker has been hijacked off the coast of Oman.


24. 油轮从中东驶向日本和欧洲。
Oil tankers sail from the Middle East to Japan and Europe.


25. 还在设法为油轮制造更加坚固的油箱。
They are also seeking ways to build stronger fuel tanks for the tanker.


26. 压裂需要嘈杂的油轮群输送大量的水。
Fracking requires oceans of water, brought in by fleets of noisy tankers.


27. 盛传石油交易商租用油轮储藏过剩石油。
Rumours abound of traders hiring tankers to store their excess oil.


28. 但跟石油不同,风能不能装进油轮运走。
But unlike oil, wind cannot be put in a tanker and shipped.


29. 昨晚一艘货轮与一艘载着原油的油轮相撞。
Last night a cargo ship collided with a tanker carrying crude oil.


30. 昨晚一艘货轮与一艘载着原油的油轮相撞。
Last night a cargo ship collided with a tanker carrying crude oil.
