1. 大多数蝙蝠通过回声定位飞行。
Most bats navigate by echolocation.


2. 要想提升销量和名声,马自达公司需要对自己重新定位
Mazda needs to reposition itself to boost its sales and reputation.


3. 出售公司部分业务旨在将公司重新定位为主要出版商业信息的出版商。
The sell-off is aimed at repositioning the company as a publisher of business information.


4. 蝙蝠通过一种回声定位来判断距离。
The bat judges distance by a kind of echolocation.


5. 正如卡罗尔所说,蝙蝠用它来导航和定位
As Carol said, bats use it for navigation and orientation.


6. 你能给潜水艇定位吗?
Can you fix a position on the submarine?


7. 这些物种利用回声定位来寻找方向并识别食物。
These species use echolocation to find their way and identify food.


8. 这与阶级或礼仪无关,只是涉及到简单的定位问题。
This has nothing to do with class or etiquette, but concerns the simple issue of positioning.


9. 市场营销人员可以重新定位产品,以吸引其他新的市场。
A marketer may re-position the product to appeal to new market sections.


10. 科学家们将地震活动位置定位在圣安德烈亚斯断层沿线。
The scientists positioned the seismic activity as being along the San Andreas fault.


11. 这需要精确的定位,以便将支腿定位到提升架的扶正导轨中。
This required precise positioning to locate the legs into the stabbing guides of the lifting cradle.


12. 对自我定位和个人兴趣的清晰认识将决定你会选择职业学院,还是大学。
A clear recognition of self orientation and personal interest will decide whether you will tick the box of vocational college or university.


13. 在游标定位在行中时,锁定这个被应用程序的某个事务访问的任何一行。
Locks any row accessed by a transaction of an application while the cursor is positioned on the row.


14. 车上的控制箱装有迷你手机、微处理器、存储器和GPS卫星定位接收器。
A control box fitted to the car contains a mini-cellphone, a micro-processor and memory, and a GPS satellite positioning receiver.


15. 车上的控制箱装有迷你手机、微处理器、存储器和GPS卫星定位接收器。
A control box fitted to the car contains a mini-cellphone, a microprocessor and memory, and a GPS satellite positioning receiver.


16. 全球定位系统在赤道附近性能最好。
GPS operates best near the equator.


17. 该剧定位于少年和青春期之间的危险的中间年龄段。
The play is set in the dangerous no-man's land between youth and adolescence.


18. 蒂芬妮把自己定位为主要任务是养育孩子的一位母亲。
Tiffany conceptualized herself as a mother, whose main task was to feed her baby.


19. 这家公司在其网站的商店定位系统部分列出了5 000家商店。
The company lists 5 000 stores on the store locator part of its website.


20. 首要问题定位不当的一个显著标志就是专注于健康而非环境问题。
A telling sign of misplaced priorities is the concentration on health, not environmental issues.


21. 我认为它比全球卫星定位系统有更多优势。
I think it has many advantages over GPS.


22. 蜜蜂体内有一种类似于全球定位系统的系统,这帮助它们找到返回蜂巢的路。
Bees have a built-in system a bit like GPS and this helps them find their way back to their hives.


23. 它的定位很好,并且做到了完全自动化。
It is well located and completely automated.


24. 现在我们需要一种方法来定位这个锚点。
Now we need a way to locate this anchor.


25. 在任意给定的时间里,定位读物应该不难。
It shouldn't be difficult to locate the reading for any given time.


26. 这辆车有全球定位系统。
This car has GPS.


27. 一个主要的困难是让机器人知道它们的定位
One key difficulty is getting robots to know their place.


28. 我没有全球定位系统。
I don't have GPS.


29. 在本文件中定位感兴趣的对象,并复制对象。
Locate objects of interest in this file, and copy the objects.


30. 热量必须定位在铰链上,才可以更快更有效的折叠。
The heat has to be localized to the hinge in order to have fast and effective folding.
