1. 他拒绝考虑与好战分子交换囚犯。
He ruled out any exchange of prisoners with the militants.


2. 同一系统也被用来赎回或交换俘虏。
The same system was used for ransoming or exchanging captives.


3. 我幸福极了,谁也甭想跟我交换位置。
I'm perfectly happy—I wouldn't change places with anyone.


4. 需要的是坦诚地交换意见。
What is needed is a frank exchange of views.


5. 咱们可以交换一下座位吗?
Can we change seats?


6. 所有的组员都相互交换了电子邮件地址。
Everyone in the group exchanged email addresses.


7. 从长远看,有点交换显然是为了公共利益。
Over the long term, a swap of some kind is clearly in the public interest.


8. 咱俩交换一下座位好不好?我看不见银幕。
Can we swap places ? I can't see the screen.


9. 今天早上交换了俘虏。
The exchange of prisoners took place this morning.


10. 交换战俘是联合国和平计划的主要内容之一。
The exchange of prisoners of war was one of the key elements of the UN's peace plan.


11. 那两个人交换了眼神。
The two men exchanged glances.


12. 我们交换了地址。
We exchanged addresses.


13. 这个字一出口,丹和哈里马上交换了一个意味深长的眼神.
Upon the utterance of this word, Dan and Harry exchanged a quick, meaningful look.


14. 他们不交流思想,他们交换图像。
They don't exchange ideas, they exchange images.


15. 我在法国的交换项目中过得很愉快。
I'm having a great time on my exchange program in France.


16. 我很感激你在我交换期间给我的帮助。
I would appreciate your helping me during my exchanged terms.


17. 在你的建议下,我准备申请成为交换生。
At your suggestion, I am going to apply to an exchange program.


18. 我们所做的每个观测包含了能量的交换
Every observation we make involves the exchange of energy.


19. 神愿意用他有的东西来交换我们需要的。
God offers to exchange what he has for what we have.


20. 何不与你的朋友交换房子?
Why not swap homes with your friends?


21. 学生志愿者贡献自己的时间来帮助交换生。
The student volunteers contributed their own time to helping exchanged students.


22. 为了开玩笑,我的王子,我们交换了衣服。
For a jest, my prince, we did exchange garments.


23. 我想交换这件衬衫。
I'd like to exchange the shirt.


24. 你说交换怎么样?
What do you say of making an exchange?


25. 交换是必要的。
Exchanges are necessary.


26. 孩子们过去常互相交换棒球卡片。
Kids used to trade baseball cards.


27. 上半场结束时双方交换了场地。
The teams changed ends at half-time.


28. 他们一直在用小麦交换棉花和木材。
They have been bartering wheat for cotton and timber.


29. 感觉就像我们父母和孩子交换了角色。
It felt as if we had reversed our roles of parent and child.


30. 这本杂志我看完了。我能跟你交换一下吗?
I've finished this magazine. Can I swap with you?
