1. 湿地一年四季都有很多游客,尤其是在夏天。
Many tourists visit Longfeng Wetland all year round, especially in summer.


2. “龙凤配”的合作是完美的和谐。
The 'Dragon and Phoenix' worked in perfect harmony.


3. 而且龙凤也已经产生了。
And the Dragon and Phoenix have also been created.


4. 要想成为人中龙凤,就要付出多倍的努力。
Whatever the result is, I must make great efforts anyway.


5. 但是你们是龙凤胎。
But you're fraternal twins.


6. 主要产品:咖啡黄,龙凤黄大理石板,花岗石板。
Main products: Coffee Yellow and Dragon and Phoenix Yellow marble granite plates.


7. 拍摄于1954年,赫本在拍摄《龙凤配》时补妆。
Hepburn adjusts her makeup on the set of "Sabrina," 1954.


8. 你可以说你是我的半个女人,因为我们是龙凤胎。
You could say that she's my female half because we're fraternal twins.


9. 龙凤胎出生的女士会比单独出生更具有男性特点。
A woman with a twin brother is more masculine than she would if she was born alone.


10. 拍摄于1954年,赫本在拍摄《龙凤配》时补妆。
Hepburn adjusts her makeup on the set of "Sabrina" 1954.


11. 龙凤是人们心目中的祥瑞鸟,为一种祥瑞和吉祥的象征。
Auspicious Dragon and Phoenix is the perceived birds as a symbol of good fortune and good luck.


12. 这幅画与《人物龙凤图》不仅时代相同,内容也比较近似。
This picture is similar in content and expressive form to the Human, Dragon and Phoenix Painting.


13. 龙凤腿是一道在地小吃,用碎猪肉及海鲜包在猪肠里酥炸而成。
Longfeng drumstick is a local snack made of ground pork and seafood wrapped in pig intestine and then deep-fried.


14. 顶部是鎏金宝顶,抬头仰视,便是龙凤藻井,中心是龙凤成祥的图案。
The top is fine gold treasure top, looked up and look up, is longfeng sunk panel, the center is LongFengCheng auspicious patterns.


15. 龙凤胎杰森和杰娜•索洛,以及他们的弟弟阿纳金都有很强的原力感应。
The twins, Jacen and Jaina Solo, and their younger brother, Anakin, all proved strong in the Force.


16. 其北岸是青龙山,南岸是凤凰山,“两山夹一湖”,因而得名“龙凤湖”。
Qinglongshan is on the north shore of the southern bank is the Phoenix Mountain, "a folder Hill Lake", thus named "Dragon and Phoenix Lake.


17. 首先是会所电梯间一幅大朵牡丹花图,以花中之王寓意人中龙凤的尊荣气韵。
First is the clubhouse elevator a big peony flowers figure, to the king of flowers implication of longfeng honor artistically.


18. 右方为一东江(客家)酒楼的醉琼楼,其邻是龙门酒楼(前身是龙凤茶楼)。
Tung Kong (Hakka)Restaurant, Tsui King Lau was on the right, next to it was(now the Lung Moon Restaurant) the Lung Fung Tea House.


19. 主要生产各种规格和款式的孔明灯、荷花灯、广告促销品、龙凤宫灯等工艺品。
Specifications and production of various major contributory release a Hung Ming lantern lotus lights, advertising promotions, Longfeng palace lantern, and other crafts.


20. 追溯龙凤图案的源流,可以看到龙凤图案的每一次嬗变都与时代环境的改变有关。
By tracing back to its origin, each change of dragon and phoenix pattern was related to the transformation of the society.


21. 造型以龙凤为主体,四只雄健的神龙,显出昂首挺立的骄傲姿态,龙身环绕之间是飞翔的凤。
Its shape is mainly of dragon and phoenix. Four masculine sacred dragons display a gesture of pride and dignity. Among them are flying phoenixes.


22. 罗伯茨和她的摄影师丈夫38岁的丹尼·摩德已经有了一对2岁龙凤双胞胎——海泽尔和菲奥斯。
Roberts and her cameraman husband Danny Moder, 38, are also parents to two-year-old twins Hazel and Phinnaeus.


23. 仿膳山庄位于北海公园湖滨之上,龙凤花纹于天花板上蜿蜒盘旋,餐室被金色和明黄色点缀得熠熠生辉。
Fangshan lies on the shores of the lake in Beihai Park; dragons curl across its ceilings and the dining rooms shimmer with gold and imperial yellow.


24. 民间还有将“福”字精描细做成各种图案的,图案有寿星、寿桃、鲤鱼跳龙门、五谷丰登、龙凤呈祥等。
Folk and will "fu" character essence made all sorts of design of draw fine, design has the birthday girl, peach, carp jump the goal, the grain and multiply it, and ChengXiang dragon, etc.


25. 民间还有将“福”字精描细做成各种图案的,图案有寿星、寿桃、鲤鱼跳龙门、五谷丰登、龙凤呈祥等。
Folk and will "fu" character essence made all sorts of design of draw fine, design has the birthday girl, peach, carp jump the goal, the grain and multiply it, and ChengXiang dragon, etc.
