1. 而未经亚硝化的无致突变性。
But untreated fish sauce have no mutagenic effect.


2. 是沿海地区的传统发酵调味品。
Fish sauce is a traditional fermented condiment in coastal areas.


3. 是潮州菜常用的调味料。
Fish sauce is a commonly used seasoning in Teochew cuisine.


4. 味咸,极鲜美,稍带一点虾的腥味。
Fish sauce taste salty, very delicious, with a little bit of fish odor slightly.


5. 配料:大白菜、蒜、盐、、辣椒粉、糖。
Ingredients: Chinese cabbage, garlic, salt, fish sauce, chili powder, sugar.


6. 是一种在泰国厨师喜欢使用的海鲜调味料。
Fish sauce is a kind of seafood condiment that Thai chefs like to use.


7. 放入罗望子汁、糖、大虾、蛋和鱼露,转小火焖煮。
Add the tamarind water, sugar, prawns, fish ball and fish sauce. Turn down the heat and simmer.


8. 为了保持鲜绿色欧芹,立即倒入和…在晚餐准备好了!
For the parsley to stay bright green, immediately pour the sauce over the fish and... dinner's ready!


9. 用罗望子果汤炖的细嫩黑毛猪肉,勾有芋头芡粉,与红米饭和同食。
A tender kurobuta pork simmered in a tamarind broth that is thickened with the starch of taro root. It's served with a side dish of red rice and fish sauce.


10. 加入酱油,,和香油,可以变成更适合亚洲人口味的凉菜。
To add an Asian touch, you can also add soy sauce, fish sauce and sesame oil.


11. 嫩嫩的黑猪肉加上裹芋头浆的酸角汤,文火慢炖,旁边配上红米饭和
A tender kurobuta pork is simmered in a tamarind broth thickened with the starch of taro root. It’s served with a side dish of red rice and fish sauce.


12. 一个特殊而简单的下降是由辣椒,大蒜,虾米,莱姆汁,,糖和虾酱。
A particular and simple dip is made from chillies, garlic, dried shrimps, lime juice, fish sauce, sugar and shrimp paste.


13. 清蒸新鲜鲈片,加入辣椒、蒜末、香菜末等,并以柠檬汁、等酱料调味。
Diced chili, garlic paste, cilantro and lemon juice sauce over steam freshwater bass fillet.


14. 将大虾洗净,用冷水浸15分钟后滤干,加入,生粉伴匀,腌大概二十分钟。
Wash prawns, soaked them in cold water for 15 minutes then drain. Add fish sauce and cornstarch and marinate for about 20 minutes.


15. 越南馅饼,左上角是,湄公河三角洲的码头上一下车我就闻到了它的浓烈气味。
Vietnam pancake. On the left, it's fish sauce. I smelled the strong scent of it when I was in one dock of Mekong .


16. 涂抹调料是做辣白菜最重要的步骤,调料包括辣椒、苹果、白梨、和虾仁等等。
The most important step is to sprinkle condiments that include chili, apple, pear, fish sauce and shrimp meat.


17. 在泰国,没有不知道的滋味鲜美的,它是泰国人民烹调菜肴时常用的调味品之一。
In Thailand, no don't know fish sauce of delicious taste, it is the Thai cooking dishes often use one of the spice.


18. 甜酱油,蠔油,,尤其泰国菜,鱼露是主要调料。(这个俺刚开始真不知道该怎么用)
Regarding Seasoning, they perfer using plum sauce or Hoi Sin Sauce, oyster sauce and fish sauce, the latter being the major seasoning in Thai dishes.


19. 因此推测胃内亚硝酸盐水平较高且经常食用者,胃内极可能有NMU等亚硝酰胺的内源性合成。
It is postulated that N nitrosamides, such as NMU could be formed endogenously in the stomachs of local residents who consume fish sauce often and have a higher exposure to nitrite in their stomachs.


20. 报道说,近几天卡塔尔海关已经查封了价值约1000美元的干炸牛肉、大米、红辣椒、以及辣椒酱等食品。
Qatari customs officials seized almost $1, 000 (516 pounds) of dried fried beef, rice, chillies, fish sauce and chilli paste.


21. 泰国美食中最主要的配料。 鱼露能把每道菜的咸度和鲜度调好。它含高蛋白质,矿物质和许多维他命成份。
Most essential ingredient in Thai cuisine. It provides salty dimension in the taste and it's high in protein , mineral and vitamins.


22. 是一种传统的海鲜调味料,在我国以及亚洲各国已有长期的生产历史,它以低值、虾为主要原料酿造而成。
Fish sauce is a kind of seafood condiments which has a long history of production in China and other Asian countries, using low value fish and shrimp as raw material.


23. 青芒果切成薄片状,洒上一种泰国传统的浓郁调味汁,这种酱汁主要由新鲜酸橙汁、、泰式甜辣椒和红糖组成。
Thin strips of mango are tossed in a tangy dressing that features all the flavors of Thai cooking: tart fresh lime juice, salty fish sauce, spicy chilies, and sweet brown sugar.


24. 青芒果切成薄片状,洒上一种泰国传统的浓郁调味汁,这种酱汁主要由新鲜酸橙汁、、泰式甜辣椒和红糖组成。
Thin strips of mango are tossed in a tangy dressing that features all the flavors of Thai cooking: tart fresh lime juice, salty fish sauce, spicy chilies, and sweet brown sugar.
