1. 媒体经常会讨论高龄产妇问题。
Older mothers are frequently discussed in the media.


2. 如果把社会课堂计算在内的话结果表明高龄产妇的孩子更优秀。
The findings showed greater ability among children born to older mothers once social class was taken into account.


3. 因为高龄产妇不仅会给自己造成危险,还会制造出许多家庭问题。
Cases like this not only create physical dangers for the mother but many family complications.


4. 目的探讨心理干预在高龄产妇分娩中的护理效果,减少剖宫产率。
Objective To explore the effects of the psychological intervention measures in the elderly pregnant women during the delivery, reduce the rate of caesarean section.


5. 辅助生育措施应用频繁和众多的高龄产妇们,这些都趋向于多产和早产。
Assisted fertility methods are used more often and there are a larger number of older mothers, both of which tend to produce multiple births and such babies are more likely to be born early.


6. 高龄产妇很有可能面临难产的风险,因此,她们以及家人都更倾向于剖腹产。
Expectant mothers of older ages usually take a higher risk of dystocia, thus they and their family usually prefer Caesarean births.


7. 结论:非高龄产妇之怀孕期间身体质量指数变化与初次非计画性剖腹生产风险存在显著相关性。
Conclusion: BMI change during pregnancy is an important risk factor for cesarean delivery, especially among women aged less than 35 year.


8. 可能是伊利诺州最高龄产妇的凯西,充当多年来一直试图生小孩的女儿莎拉。康乃尔的代理孕母。
Casey, possibly the oldest woman to give birth in Illinois, served as a surrogate for her daughter, Sara Connell, who had been trying for years to have a baby.


9. 医学专家说,随着高龄产妇的增多和肥胖率的上升,他们认为从医学上讲进行更多的剖腹产是必要的。
Medical experts say they're now seeing more medical ly-necessary c-sections as women have children later in life and obesity rates rise.


10. 臀位分娩具有明显的更大的死亡和受伤风险,通常在头胎、或者高龄产妇、早产儿及低体重胎儿中常见。
The position causes significantly greater risks of death or injury to the baby.


11. 据称,年届39岁的王菲属高龄产妇,所以自赴不丹出席好友梁朝伟及刘嘉玲的婚礼返京后,一直足不出户,在家中专心养胎。
Wong, almost 39, has been reportedly staying at home in Beijing for rest after attending Tony Leung and Carina Lau's wedding in Bhutan.


12. 美国疾病控制与预防中心日前公布的一份调查报告显示,2003年,美国40岁以上的高龄产妇已突破10万人,创历史新高。
A report released Tuesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found the number of such women exceeded 100,000 for the first time in 2003.


13. 美国疾病控制与预防中心日前公布的一份调查报告显示,2003年,美国40岁以上的高龄产妇已突破10万人,创历史新高。
A report released Tuesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found the number of such women exceeded 100,000 for the first time in 2003.
