1. 据陆羽经》记载,是神农发现的,因周公而在鲁国成为饮品。
According to Tea Classics by Lu Yu, tea was discovered by Shen Nong, and became a drink in the State of Lu because of Zhou Gong.


2. 据陆羽的《经》记载,在中国,饮可以追溯到周朝——是由神农发现的,并因周公成为了鲁国流行的饮品。
According to Lu Yu's Tea Classics, tea-drinking in China can be traced back to the Zhou Dynasty—tea was discovered by Shen Nong and became popular as a drink in the State of Lu because of Zhou Gong.


3. 在陆羽看来,象征着宇宙万物的和谐与神秘的统一。
For Lu Yu, tea symbolized the harmony and mysterious unity of the Universe.


4. 《经》是世界上第一部有关的专著,为中国唐朝文人陆羽在公元760-780年间所著。
The Classic of Tea is the first treatise on tea in the world, writfen by the Chinese writer Lu Yu between 760 and 780 in the Tang Dynasty.


5. 《经》是世界上第一部有关的专著,为中国唐朝文人陆羽在公元760-780年间所著。
The Classic of Tea is the first treatise on tea in the world, writfen by the Chinese writer Lu Yu between 760 and 780 in the Tang Dynasty.
