1. 哈罗德断了一根锁骨
Harold had a broken collarbone.


2. 他的锁骨只是在举起手臂时才感觉疼痛。
His collar bone only hurt when he lifted his arm.


3. 这种反对是合理的,因为只有早期的兽脚亚目食肉恐龙的锁骨才被发现,但是现在已经发掘出了类似始祖鸟的叉骨的兽脚亚目食肉恐龙锁骨化石。
This objection was reasonable when only early theropod clavicles had been discovered, but fossilized theropod clavicles that look just like the wishbone of Archaeopteryx have now been unearthed.


4. 他们可能建议你对锁骨上窝上方的淋巴结进行放射治疗。
They may suggest radiotherapy to the lymph nodes above your supraclavicular fossa.


5. 左锁骨下动脉和右锁骨下动脉形成胸内动脉和肋颈动脉干。
The left subclavian artery and the right subclavian artery form the internal thoracic artery and the costocervical trunk.


6. 膝关节是相对不稳定的,因为没有共同联骼的研究。
The knee joint is relatively unstable because there is no interlocking of bones in the joint.


7. 结论:带髓内钉具有损伤小,脊膜干扰小,骨折固定力臂长等优点。
Conclusion Locked bone nail has advantages such as minor injury, little interference to periostei and long force arm during fracture fixation, etc.


8. 甚至连“锁骨”禁令的始祖——伍德福德县中学也在本月重新审议了它的政策。
Even Woodford County High school-home of the "collarbone" ban-is reconsidering its policies this month.


9. 甚至连“锁骨”禁令的始祖——伍德福德县中学也在本月重新审议了它的政策。
Even Woodford County High school-home of the "collarbone" ban-is reconsidering its policies this month.
