1. 这位艺术家最近从保加利亚途经维也纳到了巴黎。
The artist recently arrived in Paris from Bulgaria by way of Vienna.


2. 他们朝森林的方向出发,途经一片遍地是废弃干草的荒地。
They struck out for the woods across a shaggy field of wasting hay.


3. 火车能够带你沿过城市、小镇、湖泊、乡村、城堡等。
Trains carry you by cities, towns, lakes, countryside, castles, and more.


4. 途经美国水域的船舶必须携带海图,以用于计划预定航路。
Ships transiting U.S. waters are required to carry nautical charts, which they use to plan their routes for intended voyages.


5. 我向东出发前往印度,途经法兰克福。
I set out for India by going due east, via Frankfurt.


6. 而埃及将获得一部分电力,途经苏丹。
And Egypt will take some of the electricity generated, via Sudan.


7. 输油管线沿过富饶农田和重要的蓄水层。
The pipeline route crosses rich farmland and important aquifers.


8. 穆拉维耶夫一伙流窜的大部分线路都途经中国领土。
Most of the route took Muraviev through Chinese territory.


9. 有天夜里,那个形迹可疑的人碰巧途经酒吧,下车喝酒。
Then one night, the suspicious-looking fellow happened to stop by for a drink.


10. 通常,一个数据包要途经大量路由器网络节点,然后才抵达目的地。
Typically, a packet may travel through a number of network points with routers before arriving at its destination.


11. 在她的模型中,大脑可以采用三种不同途经分辨微笑的表情。
In her model, the brain can use three different means to distinguish a smile from some other expression.


12. 到目前为止,18人包括一名船员,已经被途经的渔船救起。
So far 18 people, including one crew member, have been rescued by a passing boat.


13. 至于SOA路线图,最近出现了两种流行的SOA实施途经
When it comes to the SOA roadmap, the two most popular approaches to SOA implementation have emerged lately.


14. 我给所有要买的东西列了一个清单,并试图找出哪些可以通过其它途经获得。
I made a list of everything I bought and tried to figure out which I could get in another way.


15. 所以尽管科学家还没有探测到重力波,但它有可能早已是途经太阳系的常客。
So there are probably gravitational waves passing through our solar system all the time, though scientists have yet to detect them.


16. 但新西兰气象局警告说,途经该海域上空的航班要多加小心,避免发生故障。
However, the New Zealand Meteorological Service has warned that flights passing over this area should be extra careful to avoid any accidents.


17. 这个特别工作组将探讨各种途经来降低贫穷国家的粮食成本,增加农业生产。
The group will explore ways to bring down the cost of food and increase agricultural production in poor countries.


18. 一架泛美航空飞机途经苏格兰的洛克比上空发生爆炸,270人丧生。
A Pan Am passenger jet exploded over Lockerbie, Scotland, killing 270 people.


19. 他是对的,如果真正的目标是飞向火星,那么一定要途经月球就根本没有一点道理。
And he is right. If the real goal is to fly to Mars, there is no reason at all to go via the moon.


20. 我们途经一个大国,但又无法看到和经历到更多,是一件很令人沮丧的事情。
It sometimes felt frustrating not being able to see and experience more of the vast country we were passing through.


21. ISP的设备对途经其中的网页流量进行关键词扫描,以用于定位投放广告。
Equipment in the ISP's network scans passing web pages for keywords that are then used to target ads.


22. 我上班会途经日本大使馆,却从未见过像过去几天那样有如此多的警察驻守其外。
My route to work takes me past the Japanese embassy. Rarely have I seen so many police deployed around it as in the past few days.


23. 途经的渔船发现这18名获救的幸存者时,他们正紧紧地抓住了渡轮上的救生艇。
The 18 rescued survivors were clinging to life-rafts when found by the fishing boat.


24. 法国巡航舰艇在行进途经自由女神像时,受到来自救火船的欢迎,1962年拍摄。
The cruise ship Le France is welcomed by fireboats as she sails past the Statue of Liberty in 1962.


25. 飞机将在东北部起降,主要途经水面,受飞机噪音污染的家庭数目由此极大地减少。
Planes would fly in from the north-east, primarily over water, greatly reducing the number of homes that would be affected by aircraft noise.


26. 他喊得很大声,路上每个人都听到了。两名途经的年轻女子听到后还跟着笑了起来。
He was loud and everyone on the strip heard him, including the two young ladies who passed by and laughed.


27. 他喊得很大声,路上每个人都听到了。两名途经的年轻女子听到后还跟着笑了起来。
He was loud and everyone on the strip heard him, including the two young ladies who passed by and laughed.
