1. 但当地人认为,梅能改善他们的境遇。
But locals reckon that Plum Flower Boxing could give them a boost.


2. 梅的训练过程简便严格,又随意自然。
The basic training methods of Meihuaquan are simple and strong yet relaxed and highly adaptable.


3. 梅花桩是梅的一种。
Meihuazhuang (can are traslate Plum Blossom Piles ) is a branch of Meihuaquan.


4. 华丽的译文就象花拳秀腿,看得顺眼,学了无用。
Luxuriant translation is like nice-looking but phony boxing, pleasant to the eyes, useless as practice.


5. 从去年起,集体操练梅成为萍乡明德小学的必修课。
At Pingxiang's Mingde Primary School, since last year synchronised Plum Flower Boxing drills in the playground have become obligatory.


6. 不要以为武术套路是花拳绣腿,打斗进攻还是有一些套路的。
Don't think that Wushu is impractical, the attack or some routines.


7. 我原以为女子篮球是花拳绣腿,直到看了妹妹打篮球才知道看法错了。
Thought women's basketball was a powder-puff sport until I went to see my sister play.


8. 仅仅是对之前提到的顶工资,官方用车和手机的一番花拳绣腿,对削减公共开支只是杯水车薪。
Cuts in public spending will have to go far beyond the gimmicky blitz on top salaries, official cars and mobile phones mentioned so far.


9. 梅是传统武术中的一个著名拳种,同时也是清代北方地区具有鲜明教门文化色彩的松散型拳会组织。
Meihua Quan is a famous boxing in traditional Wushu, and it's a loose and distinct religious culture's boxing organization in the Northern area of Qing Dynasty.


10. 因此如果一个人只会摆出漂亮的姿势,却不能结合内在的力量和精神,我们会说他是“花拳绣腿”,没有真功夫。
Therefore, if one can only make some beautiful poses but without combining the inner strength and spirit, his martial arts are showy but not practical and he has no real Kungfu.


11. 但是,像梅这样至今在广袤乡镇间依然保存着其特有的组织秩序、文化信仰和活动方式的,可以说实属罕见。
But still keeping its peculiar organization order, culture faith and activity way in the wide villages and towns, we can say the Meihua Quan is really rare.


12. 凯特默和他的同事们很快意识到花拳绣腿的技术是无事无补的,和手绘动画一样,故事情节在电脑动画中也起着举足轻重的作用。
Mr Catmull and his colleagues quickly realised that fancy technology was not enough, and that story-telling was just as vital to computer animation as to the hand-drawn sort.


13. 凯特默和他的同事们很快意识到花拳绣腿的技术是无事无补的,和手绘动画一样,故事情节在电脑动画中也起着举足轻重的作用。
Mr Catmull and his colleagues quickly realised that fancy technology was not enough, and that story-telling was just as vital to computer animation as to the hand-drawn sort.
