1. 他在酒店行业做了30多年,是一个经验丰富的行家
He has done in the hotel industry for more than 30 years, is an experienced expert.


2. 一个摄影行家曾告诉我的很多有用建议之一便是用变焦镜头来辅助构图,而非走近我的拍摄体。
One of the most helpful tips that an old pro photographer once gave me was to use my zoom lens as a compositional aid rather than a way to get close to my subject .


3. 我问过一个手机行业的一个老行家,为什么运营商们都愿意与那个曾经让他们恐惧的公司——Google共舞,他表示相比于两害来说Google危害小多了。
When I asked a mobile industry veteran why carriers were so willing to dance with Google, a company they once feared, he suggested that Google was the “lesser of two evils.”


4. 我问过一个手机行业的一个老行家,为什么运营商们都愿意与那个曾经让他们恐惧的公司——Google共舞,他表示相比于两害来说Google危害小多了。
When I asked a mobile industry veteran why carriers were so willing to dance with Google, a company they once feared, he suggested that Google was the “lesser of two evils.”
