1. 沙地就在那块笆的上面那里。
The sand area is just above the bamboo fence there.


2. 那个厌恶的触犯者用竹篱自卫。
the offensive offender defended himself with the fence.


3. 那院子的四周围着竹篱
The yard was fenced about with bamboo sticks.


4. 竹篱上还剩多少只鸟呢?
How many birds are left on the fence?


5. 竹篱有眼,隔墙有耳。
Hedges have eyes, and walls have ears.


6. 竹篱编的高高的鱼笼。
High fish cages made of bamboo.


7. 竹篱烟锁。
Bamboo Fence smoke lock.


8. 朗月浮云,青笆,雍荣华贵的牡丹花怒放,花香浓郁,香气溢人。
Long floating clouds and green bamboo fence, Yong splendor of your peony in full bloom, the scent flavorful aroma Yi people.


9. 岛内林荫小道纵横交错,曲径通幽,尤显宁静;竹篱茅舍座落其间,风格卓然,古朴雅致。
Tree-lined trails criss-crossing the island, its winding streets, particularly quiet; Zhu Li cottage is located In the meantime, Zoran style, elegant simplicity.


10. 溪水的轰鸣声横冲直撞地进入笆,再绕过一排高大的白杨树,把他们俩的谈话轻轻卷走。
The roars of stream water dashed into the bamboo fence recklessly, made a detour around a row of tall poplar, then caught their conversation away with it gently.


11. 溪水的轰鸣声横冲直撞地进入笆,再绕过一排高大的白杨树,把他们俩的谈话轻轻卷走。
The roars of stream dashed into the bamboo fence recklessly, made a detour around a row of tall poplar, and then caught their conversation away gently.


12. 一处锁起来的笆里,约500根紫檀原木整整齐齐的被垛在一起,竹篱笆周围是成片的玉米地和木薯地。
Some 500 rosewood logs lay stacked behind a padlocked bamboo fence in a storage lot surrounded by fields of corn and manioc.


13. 朴实的大面竹篱与现代感反射墨镜并置于中性材质的空间中,揉合出手作与质感,天然有机与精致烹调的意象。
The perfect mix of unadorned large bamboo fences and the modern dark mirrors displays image of the the hand-made process, fine texture, organic and delicacy cooking.


14. 我倚著竹篱呆望了好久,尽量饱享了一顿眼福,心中想著:上帝所造的宇宙中,没有一处能比这里更美丽更可爱了。
I leaned against the fence for a long time, feasting my hungry eyes, and thinking in my soul that God never made a fairer spot than my lovely meadow.


15. 她仰头一看,看到一只美洲狮停在竹篱上筹备扑向她最小的小孩,于是阿里斯特太太赶快跑出去救她小孩, 课件下载。
She looked up and saw a cougar perched on the fence ready to pounce on the youngest child. Mrs. McAlister ran outside to save her children.


16. 这个城市刚刚收到一次今年最严重的台风的袭击,窗外残枝残叶狼藉满地,整排竹篱委身在满是积水的地方,一片惨淡的景象。
The town had just been hit by the worst typhoon of the year. The ground outside was strewn with broken twigs and dry leaves. Fallen bamboo fences submitted to the sodden ground. What a pitiful sight!


17. 这个城市刚刚受到一次今年最严重的台风的袭击,窗外断枝残叶狼藉满地,整排竹篱委身在满是积水的地上,一片惨淡的景象。
The town had just been hit by the worst typhoon of the year. The ground outside was strewn with broken twigs and dry leaves. Fallen bamboo fences on the sodden ground. What a pitiful sight!


18. 我们的院子里有一个大的石坝,周围的房子,有砖瓦屋,有竹篱笆墙的小屋,有大木门的房子。像这样的建筑形式在我们那里很常见,就连我们的学校(八角庙)也是一样。
Our yard is a large vacant land , houses around it , the brick one the bamboo one and the wood one . as this building was scarce now , but my school is the same as my yard .


19. 我们的院子里有一个大的石坝,周围的房子,有砖瓦屋,有竹篱笆墙的小屋,有大木门的房子。像这样的建筑形式在我们那里很常见,就连我们的学校(八角庙)也是一样。
Our yard is a large vacant land , houses around it , the brick one the bamboo one and the wood one . as this building was scarce now , but my school is the same as my yard .
