1. 这台研磨机用于制作精细工具。
The grinder is used for making precision tooling.


2. 女性有时因为过度使用研磨型的洁面乳而损害了皮肤。
Women sometimes damage their skin by going overboard with abrasive cleansers.


3. 它们在搅拌机或咖啡研磨机里很容易被磨碎。
They're easy to grind in a blender or coffee grinder.


4. 流浪者至少要待一个火星年,去漫步这个星球,在这期间,它将收集、研磨和分析大约70个岩石和土壤样本。
The rover should have at least one Martian year, to roam the planet, during which time it will collect, grind and analyze around 70 samples of rock and soil.


5. 咖啡豆接着被磨碎、包装,以研磨咖啡销售。
The beans are then ground and packaged for sale as ground coffee.


6. 利用咖啡研磨机把一大片磨碎成粉末。
Use a coffee grinder to grind the sheets into a powder.


7. 然后技术人员将研磨树叶,析出蛋白质。
Technicians then grind up the leaves to extract the protein.


8. 你用嘴巴研磨咖啡豆。
You grind coffee beans in your mouth.


9. 妇女曾经在手工研磨谷物上花上大半天的时间。
Women once spent long hours grinding grain by hand.


10. 在你努力变的更好的时候,你看上去就像研磨剂。
In your attempt to look better, you may seem abrasive.


11. 这使得像他的研磨,摇来摇去,而不是拉进拉出。
This makes it seem like he's grinding or rocking to and fro, rather than pulling in and out.


12. 接着,它还要被研磨成糊状,然后再做成一种不发酵的面团。
After all that, it had to be ground into a paste and then made into an unleavened dough.


13. 他们建议将几茶匙细细研磨的杏仁混合进一杯橙汁,啜饮来减轻症状。
They recommend blending a few teaspoons of finely ground almonds with a cup of orange juice and sipping it for relief.


14. 看来我对咖啡的热情有所高涨,我觉得该给自己买个研磨机和好点的咖啡。
Since my craving to coffee has grown, I thought of buying myself some coffee stuff like the grinder and good coffee.


15. groundcoffee是把整颗的整颗的咖啡豆研磨成粉末状...
ground coffe is where they take the whole bean and grind it into powder form...


16. 为何人类会选择种植这种得经过像浸泡、煮沸或研磨后才可以食用的食物呢?
Why would you choose to grow food that you can eat only once it's been soaked or boiled or ground to make it edible at all?


17. 因为我的第一份业余工作就是给一个屠夫打下手,沙下肉块,清理墙壁,研磨肉糜。
my first Saturday job was as a butcher's boy, sanding down the blocks, cleaning the walls and grinding the mince.


18. 目前它们被发现在一些碰撞和研磨中产生,可见程度无非是高中实验室显微镜的水平。
Now they've been found in something that bumps and grinds, visible with nothing fancier than a high school lab-issue microscope.


19. 这时就可以放进电动研磨器中磨碎,或是放在研钵里捣碎,也可以用绞肉机。
When crisped, pulverize them in the electric blender, pound in a mortar, or put them through a meat grinder.


20. 如果你有电动研磨机,那就一次放半量杯杏仁下去,用最高速研磨30秒钟。
If you have a blender, pulverize them 1/2 cup at a time at top speed for about 30 seconds.


21. 常见的用法是把捣碎的龙虾壳或黄油这类食材放在筛面上,然后用研磨杵来搓压。
The ingredients, such as pounded lobster shells and butter, are placed on the screen and rubbed through it with the pestle.


22. 常见的用法是把捣碎的龙虾壳或黄油这类食材放在筛面上,然后用研磨杵来搓压。
The ingredients, such as pounded lobster shells and butter, are placed on the screen and rubbed through ir with the pestle.


23. 对于心脏健康大有好处的亚糊粉层在加工大米的最后一阶段,抛光阶段被研磨掉。
The subaleurone layer, the thin skin responsible the heart benefits, is shaved off at the end of the process, when the milled grain is polished to a shine.


24. 糙米与白米均产自于同一种作物,只是白米经过了精加工,研磨掉了更多的外壳。
Brown and white rice both come from the same plant - but white rice is more highly processed, with more layers stripped away.


25. 对于心脏健康大有好处的亚糊粉层在加工大米的最后一阶段,抛光阶段被研磨掉。
The subaleurone layer, the thin skin responsible the heart benefits, is shaved off at the end of the process, when the milled grain is polished to a shine。


26. 医生、牙医和化学家们开发出的牙粉中含有研磨牙齿的物质,如砖灰、碎瓷器、陶器和乌贼。
These powders were developed by doctors, dentists and chemists and included substances very abrasive to teeth, such as brick dust, crushed China, earthenware and cuttlefish.


27. 医生、牙医和化学家们开发出的牙粉中含有研磨牙齿的物质,如砖灰、碎瓷器、陶器和乌贼。
These powders were developed by doctors, dentists and chemists and included substances very abrasive to teeth, such as brick dust, crushed China, earthenware and cuttlefish.
