1. 军队试图在一个难民营里设一个望台
Troops tried to set up a lookout post inside a refugee camp.


2. 沿着长城每几百米就有一座瞭望台
Every few hundred meters along the Great Wall, there is a watchtower.


3. 这儿没有铁丝网,没有栅栏,也没有瞭望台
There is no barbed wire. No stockade. No watchtower.


4. 这儿没有铁丝网,没有栅栏,也没有瞭望台
There is no barbed wire. Nostockade. No watchtower.


5. 我们到达的第二个观景点是一座古老的望台
The second viewpoint that we reached was an old watch tower.


6. 在塔的顶部是一个瞭望台,一些议员认为过于招摇。
On top of the tower is an observation platform that some councillors say is obtrusive.


7. 一个海盗从瞭望台的高处把望远镜对准了地平线。
From his spot high in the crow's nest, a pirate trained his spyglass on the horizon.


8. 马略卡海岸线上建造这些瞭望台,其目的是防止海盗靠近小岛。
These were built all around the coast of Mallorca for the purpose of spotting pirates approaching the island.


9. 覆盖着防风化的雪松木瓦,服务站包括一个望台,圆屋顶和高架甲板。
Clad in weathered cedar shingles, the historic station consists of a lookout tower, cupolas and elevated decks.


10. 三个望台法国人说,埃菲尔铁塔是“首都的望台”,事实的确如此。
French said three observatory, the Eiffel Tower is the "capital of the watchtower", this is true.


11. 它是第一座有瞭望台的建筑——此类接触城市的方式其实就是这座塔开创的。
It was the first building with an observation deck — that way of engaging with the city was actually pioneered by the tower.


12. 周五上午,科罗纳·代尔·马尔望台挤满了人,关注着任何海啸即将到来的预警。
People crowded Lookout Point in Corona del Mar on Friday morning, looking for any sign of a tsunami.


13. 一个穿着图绘体恤的年轻人抖着双脚坐在瞭望台的窗台上,外面的风景尽收眼底。
A young man in a graphic tee and flip flops sat in the window of the tower with the world at his fingertips.


14. NZS总部大楼被设计成一种自然瞭望台,因为所有办公室都位于大楼的外部边缘。
The NZS Headquarters building is designed as kind of a nature observatory since all the offices are placed on the outer perimeter of the volume.


15. 两个立面相接的地方是餐厅,项目围绕其旋转的入口平台地位特殊,是山谷上方的瞭望台
The two facades meet by the restaurant, the access platform around which the project pivots and turns, is privileged, as a belvedere above the valley.


16. 最高层望台离地面274米,若沿1652级阶梯而上,差不多要一个小时,当然也可采电梯登高。
The top observation deck 274 meters above the ground, if the previous steps along the 1652, almost an hour, of course, the elevator can be taken climb.


17. 一座由坚固石墙、六座望台和四道城门围著,面积达六点五英亩的寨城于一八四三至1847年间建成。
Massive stone walls with six watchtowers and four gates enclosed the area, which measured about 6.5 acres.


18. 屋顶露台可以作为眺望山脉(向东南方向)、海滩(向北)以及俯瞰周边低密度社区风景的阳台或半户外的望台
The roof terrace serves as a sundeck and a semi-covered observatory for attractive views of the mountains (to the southeast), the beach (to the north) and the rest of the low-density neighborhood.


19. 最后,利用把摩天大厦作为望台的想法,在巨塔上部修建一个空中的闭合城市,提供了一个眼花缭乱的视角来望城中城。
Finally, using the idea of the skyscraper as makeshiftobservation deck, an enclosed city in the sky resides at the very top of the tower, providing dizzying views of the city within a city.


20. 当望台(当时还只能通过望台观测到冰山)发现冰山之后,在黑暗中行驶的泰坦尼克号没能在最后一分钟足够灵活地躲开冰山。
The ship wasn't nimble enough to avoid an iceberg that lookouts spotted (the only way to detect icebergs at the time) at the last minute in the darkness.


21. 相反,他把信息传递给了公民实验室和望台的专家,并保持警惕。专家也借此揭开了被称之为迄今为止发现的一个非常复杂的网络武器的面纱。
Instead, he passed on the message to experts at Citizen Lab and Lookout, who peeled back the covers on what they described as one of the sophisticated cyber weapons ever discovered.


22. 据OPV(委内瑞拉监狱瞭望台,一家宣传组织)称,原本为容纳15,000人而建造的监狱被塞入43,000人,这些人中的五分之四未经判决。
According to the Venezuelan Prisons Observatory (OPV), an advocacy group, more than 43, 000 prisoners are crammed into jails built for 15, 000. Four-fifths of them have not even been sentenced.


23. 据OPV(委内瑞拉监狱瞭望台,一家宣传组织)称,原本为容纳15,000人而建造的监狱被塞入43,000人,这些人中的五分之四未经判决。
According to the Venezuelan Prisons Observatory (OPV), an advocacy group, more than 43,000 prisoners are crammed into jails built for 15,000. Four-fifths of them have not even been sentenced.


24. 观看无线电通信:船舶,资深飞行员,坦克指挥官,望台,侦察飞机和化合物可以致电寻求帮助,或提供重要信息,在战场上的情况。 稳定性改进和错误修正。
Watch the radio communications: ships, fellow pilots, tank commanders, lookouts, recon planes and compounds can call for help or give vital information on the battlefield situation.


25. 观看无线电通信:船舶,资深飞行员,坦克指挥官,望台,侦察飞机和化合物可以致电寻求帮助,或提供重要信息,在战场上的情况。 稳定性改进和错误修正。
Watch the radio communications: ships, fellow pilots, tank commanders, lookouts, recon planes and compounds can call for help or give vital information on the battlefield situation.
