1. 结论:经成形术是一种安全有效的治疗囊肿的技术。
Conclusion Percutaneous osteoplasty is an safe and effective technique for treatment of bone cyst.


2. 筋肉五脏供人炙脍,角牙供人佩戴,境界高而忘我,贡献大而谦逊。
Sunburn cuisine five internal organs for human muscle, skin teeth bone angle for people to wear realm of high forgetting me, and made great contributions and humility.


3. 该食品以及其他食物,如粘性糖果和迷你麦脆,都含明胶,明胶是一种由和其他动物部件熬制的蛋白质。
These and other foods, like gummy candies and Frosted Mini Wheats cereal, are made with gelatin -- a protein made from boiling skin, bones, and other animal parts.


4. 一种叫做内经假肢(ITAP)的特制金属植体被直接固定在奥斯卡的踝上,嵌进他毛茸茸的后腿。
Custom-engineered metal implants -- called intraosseous transcutaneous amputation prosthetics (ITAPs) -- are fastened directly to Oscar's little ankle bones, inside his fuzzy little legs.


5. 传统的猎刀一般是木柄,柄或者柄。
Traditionally, hunting knife handles were made of wood, leather or bone.


6. 目的:本试验的目的是论证经椎体成形术中水泥量的安全范围。
Objective. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the safe range of cement volume during percutaneous vertebroplasty.


7. 新建筑:装甲模型!商店共有10只蜥蜴,鹿,隐形装甲或甲在一个合适的形状。
New building: Armor mannequin! Stores a total of 10 Lizard Skin, Deer Skin, Stealth Armor or Bone Armor in a suited shape.


8. 所以,鼻整形术中分离鼻部瓣时,应限制在软上方的深层网状组织平面,而保持肌肉筋膜层完好无损。
Therefore dissection of the nasal skin flap during rhinoplasty should be limited to the deep areolar tissue plane just above the cartilage and bone, leaving the musculoaponeurotic layer intact.


9. 结论对外露及肤软组织缺损应尽量在早期修复,最常用的方法是瓣及肌瓣的转移或移植。
Conclusion The defect of soft tissue with bone exposure should be repaired as early as possible. The methods in common use are skin flap transposition or graft.


10. 方法回顾性分析应用带血管蒂(肌)瓣、瓣等组织瓣移植修复踝足部组织缺损的临床资料。
Methods Analysis retrospectively the clinical data that vascularized flap or musculocutaneous flap or muscle flap or bone flap to repair tissue defect in ankle or foot had been performed.


11. 将猪后脚用刀破瓣,再每隔1厘米横砍一刀至连。
Pig valve broken rear foot with a knife, and then every 1 cm bone Hengkan to blow off even the skin.


12. 临床鉴别诊断包括纤、瘤、样囊肿、脑膜瘤、嗜酸性肉芽肿、朗格·汉斯组织细胞增生症、以及转移瘤。
Clinical differential diagnosis includes fibrous dysplasia, osteoma, dermoid cyst, meningioma, eosinophilic granuloma, Lagerhan cell histiocytosis, and metastatic disease.


13. 目的应用间掌侧动脉背侧支岛状瓣修复手部软组织缺损。
Objective To introduce the clinical application of repair the defect of soft tissue in hand with the dorsal branch of volar interosseous artery island flap.


14. 患者应用水泥行经椎体成形术。
The patients received percutaneous vertebroplasty with bone cement augmentation.


15. 目的观察经自体髓移植在缺损瘢痕组织内的成作用。
Objective to observe osteogenesis of percutaneous autogenous bone marrow into cicatrix of bone defect.


16. 你以和肉为衣给我穿上,用与筋把我全体联络。
Thou hast clothed me with skin and flesh, and hast fenced me with bones and sinews.


17. 目的:为带膝降动脉大收肌腱瓣修复小腿及跟的创伤提供应用解剖学基础。
Objective: to provide anatomy basis for the repair of leg defect by great adductor muscle tendon bone flap with descending genicular artery.


18. 新建筑:装甲模型!商店共有10只蜥蜴,鹿,隐形装甲或甲在一个合适的形状状。
New building: Armor mannequin! Stores a total of 10 Lizard Skin, Deer Skin, Stealth Armor or Bone Armor in a suited shape.


19. 行下颌保留或瓣修复患者较同类病例生存质量高。
Patients retaining mandible or with skin flap repair had higher quality of life than the others.


20. 方法应用小腿内侧瓣交叉移位修复对侧小腿外露。
Methods Bone exposure of leg was repaired by use opposed medial crural flap.


21. 方法运用含前臂背侧神经营养血管的间前血管逆行岛状瓣修复手部严重损伤。
Methods a neurocutaneous vascular reverse island skin flap containing forearm posterior neurocutaneous vessels was designed to repair manual major injury.


22. 结论前臂瓣游离移植是上颌缺损即刻修复的较好方法之一,尤其适合于硬软腭缺损腭再造。
Conclusion the transfer of forearm free flap is an effective method for immediate reconstruction of maxilla, especially suited to the reconstruction of hard and soft palate defects.


23. 断蒂后瓣与瓣一期成活,后期复查移植成活并且增粗。
After the pedicle, was cut, the flap and bone flap survived in the initial period.


24. 材料对于椅子来说是、是肉、更是
Material is skin, is flesh, also is bone as for the chair.


25. 方法分别进行急性毒性试验、热原试验、内试验、肌肉植入试验、植入试验等生物相容性试验。
Evaluated the biocompatibility through the experiments including a cute systemic toxicity test, pyrogen, intracutaneous test and long-term muscle and bone implant test.


26. 方法分别进行急性毒性试验、热原试验、内试验、肌肉植入试验、植入试验等生物相容性试验。
Evaluated the biocompatibility through the experiments including a cute systemic toxicity test, pyrogen, intracutaneous test and long-term muscle and bone implant test.
