1. 我留一手,暂时不把这一想法说出来。
I'm keeping this idea up my sleeve for the time being.


2. “我得留一手,这样你才会去买电影票”,他开玩笑说。
"I gotta leave something for you to buy a ticket for," he joked.


3. 美国另一位该奖重要得主简·亚当斯却不是前者那种不懈致力于在军事上保一手的人。
Another significant American honoree, activist Jane Addams, instead strove tirelessly to stay the hand of military might.


4. 你可以这样做:在写文章的时候留一手,不要回答所有的问题,或者直接放个大大的问号在标题以及开头。
This has a lot to do with not answering all their questions in the post itself, but can also mean putting a question in the title or the first paragraph of your post.


5. 詹姆斯·加菲尔德(1881年):“要能承担当下工作之外的更多任务,让别人知道你还留一手,你具备当下拥有之外的更多权力。”
Jamess Garfield, 1881: "Be fit for more than the thing you are now doing. Let everyone know that you have a reserve in yourself; that you have more power than you are now using."


6. 詹姆斯·加菲尔德(1881年):“要能承担当下工作之外的更多任务,让别人知道你还留一手,你具备当下拥有之外的更多权力。”
Jamess Garfield, 1881: "Be fit for more than the thing you are now doing. Let everyone know that you have a reserve in yourself; that you have more power than you are now using."
