1. 即使当个独行侠也并不是那么可怕。
Even being a loner is not so terrible.


2. 除了和妹妹做伴之外,科琳是个独行侠
Colleen was a loner, except for her sister's company.


3. 我开始感觉自己像个妈妈而不是独行侠了。
I started to feel less like the Lone Ranger and more like Mom.


4. 爱尔兰是很适合独行侠旅行的一个国家。
Ireland dis a perfect place for travelling alone.


5. 野山猫通常都是独行侠
Caracals usually live alone.


6. 仓鼠是独行侠,领地意识极强,出格是雌性仓鼠。
Hamsters are loners, territory consciousness is very strong, especially in female hamsters.


7. 我不想孤独、可是孤独我怎么也甩不开,也许好听点说我是一个独行侠
I do not want isolation, but how do I feel lonely rejection is also not open, perhaps nicely point that I am a lonely hero.


8. 詹姆士常在班上拿第一名,可是却很少与同学往来。他可以说是个独行侠
James always remains at the top of his class, but seldom associates with his classmates. He is sort of a hone Wolf.


9. 他独行侠和喜欢夜生活的作风,甚至无法让他好好处理正事或与助理有条不紊地沟通。
A loner and a night-owl, he could not make office hours, or communicate systematically with his staff.


10. “(当时)直觉告诉我他没有得到应得的评价,但我也不能肯定他就是一个独行侠,”他说。
“My gut tells me he didn’t get his due, but I’m not sure he was a complete Lone Ranger, either, ” he said.


11. 英国广播公司(BBC)最近进行了一次名为《做独行侠:二十一世纪的单身生活》的调查。
The BBC recently conducted a survey called Going solo: single life in the 21st century.


12. 每一头猎豹,都是问心无愧的独行侠,哪怕饥肠辘辘,也永远不会和秃鹫争夺一丝腐渣和残肉。
Each and every cheetah is virtually a lone ranger who, even in desperate hunger, is above scrambling with condors for any leftovers or dregs of meat.


13. 2013年,独行侠被翻拍成电影,由约翰尼·德普主演唐托,他是独行侠的美国本土合作伙伴。
In 2013, the Lone Ranger was remade into a movie starring Johnny Depp as Tonto, the Lone Ranger's Native American partner.


14. 我自认为是个独行侠,刚开始也很享受平和与安静;可接下来几个月,我发现自己常常感到孤独。
As someone who considers himself a loner, I loved the peace and quiet at first, but I found myself feeling very lonely within a few months.


15. 独行侠在上世纪30年代成为一档颇受欢迎的广播节目,它也是上世纪50年代非常受欢迎的电视节目。
The Lone Rangerbegan as a popular radio show in the 1930s. It was a hugely popular television show in the 1950s.


16. 有时,爱人的死去会让这位英雄痛苦,不过这种离愁别恨只会使英雄成为一位受伤的、沸腾的、激怒的独行侠
Sometimes, the loved one's demise does leave the hero suffering, but in an emotionally cut-off sense that makes of him a wounded, seething, trigger-happy loner.


17. 但英国及国内企业并不是在利比亚国土上挖掘机遇的独行侠:法国,意大利和美国的公司也都在向卡扎菲大献殷勤。
But Britain and its companies are not alone in spotting opportunity in Libya: French, Italian and indeed American firms are all courting Mr Qaddafi.


18. 唐老鸭,易卜生,独行侠,莎拉伯哈顿,普多汉福德,贝蒂葛莱宝,野马杜雷斯和伊莱诺拉杜斯,他们全都是戏剧。
Donald Duck, Ibsen, and The Lone Ranger, Sarah Bernhardt, and Poodles Hannaford, Lunt and Fontanne, Betty Grable, Rex and Wild, and Eleanora Duse. They are all Theater.


19. 一位独行侠正在刚尼逊岛上的山头小憩,该岛位于波光粼粼一望无际的大盐湖中心,这个湖是西半球最大的盐水湖。
A lone man perches on an outcrop on Gunnison Island amid the shimmering expanse of Great salt lake, the largest salt lake in the western hemisphere.


20. 独行侠是一名德州骑警,骑警是一类执法官员。当他的整个团队遇袭被害时,只有他幸存了下来,因此他得名独行侠
The lone Ranger was a Texas Ranger, a type of lawman. When his entire team was attacked and killed, he was left alone — hence the name, lone Ranger.


21. 这样的情景是成千上万的电影、连环画、电视节目的情节,例如:《美国船长》、《独行侠》,甚至升级到高科技版的《超人》。
This is the plot of a thousand movies, comic-book strips, and TV shows: Captain America, the Lone Ranger, and (upgraded to hi-tech) Superman.


22. 哥斯达黎加是爱冒险的独行侠的天堂,在这里,你可以穿梭于热带雨林、 ?攀爬火山、当然也可以享受世界上最美的美丽的海岸线。
Costa a Rica is one of the best places for the adventurous single travelers. There are rain forestto explore, volcanoes to climb, and a few most wonderful beaches on earth.


23. 这个图书馆员的新世界还带来了一种新的图书馆员,这些图书馆员的独行侠们践行了专业领域最简单但是最剧烈的改变:他们离开了图书馆的建筑。
This new world of librarianship has also given rise to rogue librarians who personify the simplest yet most radical change in the profession: librarians who have left the building.


24. 这个图书馆员的新世界还带来了一种新的图书馆员,这些图书馆员的独行侠们践行了专业领域最简单但是最剧烈的改变:他们离开了图书馆的建筑。
This new world of librarianship has also given rise to rogue librarians who personify the simplest yet most radical change in the profession: librarians who have left the building.
