1. 我依旧没有与画室中的人熟络起来。
I still do not people in the addict to get acquaintance with the studio together.


2. “谁赢了?”他地说。
"Who's winning?" he said chummily.


3. 你们现在很熟络了?
You guys run for the same basis now?


4. 我们很快起来。
We get acquainted with each other soon.


5. 是,我跟她很熟络,她是我大学一年级时的女友。
Yes, I know her very well. She was my girl friend during my first year in university.


6. 语调:我们在表达要求时,是需要严正措辞还是套个熟络的?
Tone: do we want to be formal or conversational with our requests?


7. 因为爱情的缘故,两个陌生人可以突然熟络到睡在同一张床上。
For the sake of love, two strangers can suddenly Shuluo to sleep in the same bed.


8. 如果我想和你们,变得熟络,我就不会称你们为不相干的陌生人。
If I wanted to think about all of you and get — and establish more of a connection with you, I would not describe you as unrelated strangers.


9. 不,也不容易破碎,不亲昵,也不容易失望。——余秋雨。
No passionate contact , not easy to break up; No very intimate, not easy to despair.


10. 时间久了,你就会了解他们,他们也会因单纯曝光效果而跟你起来。
Over time, you can get to know them and they'll become comfortable with you from the mere-exposure effect.


11. 由于我和各阶层的青少年都很,这大大加强了我的亲和力和对其他人的影响。
My familiarity with teenagers from all walks of life greatly enhances my ability to both identify with and influence others.


12. 她和苏青,原来并不十分熟络,却也在一起谈男人女人感情社会,看着阳台外落日缓缓沉下。
Su Qing and she, weren't very intimate then, but still talked with each other on men, women, love and society, watched the sun set slowly out of the window.


13. 她的表现似乎是典型的新生,他们正期待和舍友们玩“同层熟络活动,并没有和家长一样不舍离别。”
That seemed altogether typical of the freshmen, who were looking forward to the "floor bonding" exercises with dorm mates and were failing to share parental nostalgia.


14. 保罗最初认识提摩太的时候,提摩太还是个少年人;但随著两人愈来愈熟络,他们便建立了情如父子的感情。
Timothy was a very young man when Paul first met him but the two grew to love each other very much.


15. 将专业知识、时间和精力贡献给其他的团队将有助于你了解该公司的其他方面,同样还能帮助你熟络这个公司的职员。
Lending expertise, time and effort to other teams will help you get to know other aspects of the business as well as help you connect with people across the company.


16. 因为爱情的缘故,两个陌生人可以突然熟络到睡在同一张床上。然而,相同的两个人,在分手时却说,我觉得你越来越陌生。爱情将两个人由陌生变成悉,又由悉变成陌生。
While breaking up, say, I think you are more and more strange to me It is love that has two strangers become acquaintances, then turning the two acquaintances into strangers again.


17. 因为爱情的缘故,两个陌生人可以突然熟络到睡在同一张床上。然而,相同的两个人,在分手时却说,我觉得你越来越陌生。爱情将两个人由陌生变成悉,又由悉变成陌生。
While breaking up, say, I think you are more and more strange to me It is love that has two strangers become acquaintances, then turning the two acquaintances into strangers again.
