1. 手指甲或脚趾灰指甲不一定是不正常的。
Fingernails or toe onychomycosis is not necessarily abnormal.


2. 那么您可能患有灰指甲,也称为甲真菌病。
Then perhaps you suffer from onychomycosis, a condition also known as toenail fungus.


3. 长春哪里治灰指甲好?
Where does Changchun administer onychomycosis well?


4. 灰指甲病分为亚型。
Onychomycosis is divided into subtypes.


5. 将此改性氧化锌醋蒜泥配方用于治疗灰指甲,在患处上涂抹后用胶布包裹。
The prescription of modified zinc oxide with vinegar-soaked mashed garlic is used for treating onychomycosis, which is laid on the affected part and coated with an adhesive tape.


6. 指甲方面的疾病,如灰指甲,如不注意将衣服分开清洗,也容易导致妇科病。
Nails aspects of diseases, such as merchant, if not pay attention to the clothes clean, also easy to cause the separate liuli.


7. 也常有传言吹捧把醋涂在皮肤上可以治疗灰指甲、头虱和疣,但几乎没什么科学证据支持这些治疗有效。
Vinegar, applied to the skin, is also often touted as an antidote to nail fungus, head lice and warts, but there is little scientific evidence that these treatments work.


8. 患者自己往往难以分辨,对诊断参考镜检查或真菌培养最重要的指标是积极的。因此,治疗灰指甲的药。
Patients themselves are often difficult to distinguish, in the diagnosis of microscopic examination or fungal culture reference to the most important indicators are positive.


9. 有很多人不打理指甲旁边的死皮,经常用嘴咬或者用手抠死皮,这样就容易造成皮肤感染,甚至染上灰指甲
If you don't take care of the cuticle around your nails, it will grow thicker. People like to bite or rip their nails or cuticle, it will cause skin infection, catching virus, or Onychomycosis.


10. 事实上,只有2.6%的儿童年龄低于18岁,据报有治疗灰指甲的特效药病,但多达90%的老人有灰指甲
In fact, only 2.6% of children younger than 18 years are reported to have onychomycosis, but as many as 90% of elderly people have onychomycosis.


11. 在中青年人中,灰指甲最常见的两种临床类型是远端侧位甲下型灰指甲灰指甲和白色浅表型灰指甲灰指甲。临床。
In young people, fingernail discoloration two most common clinical types are remotelateral subungual onychomycosis and white superficial onychomycosistype type onychomycosis onychomycosis.


12. 传统的治疗方法是刮了灰指甲治疗前疾病明快,或变薄疾病刀,然后用5%碘酒或10- 30%醋酸溶液涂布。
The traditional treatment is scraping the disease before treatment, bright fingernail discoloration or thinning disease, knives, and then 5% tincture of iodine, or 10-30% acetic acid coating.


13. 病情应立即到正规医院皮肤科门诊,看着如何治。您可以进行测试或真菌培养,灰指甲的诊断,然后制定治疗方案。听听真菌性皮肤病。
Therefore, the condition should be immediately to the regular hospital dermatology clinics, you can test or fungal culture, the diagnosis of onychomycosis and treatment plan.


14. 病情应立即到正规医院皮肤科门诊,看着如何治。您可以进行测试或真菌培养,灰指甲的诊断,然后制定治疗方案。听听真菌性皮肤病。
Therefore, the condition should be immediately to the regular hospital dermatology clinics, you can test or fungal culture, the diagnosis of onychomycosis and treatment plan.
