1. 已开发出许多可渗水透气的产品。
A number of products have been developed which are permeable to air and water.


2. 地板加了密封涂料防止渗水
The floor is sealed to prevent water penetration.


3. 因此,举个例子,沙岩可以和构成它的疏松的沙粒一样具有多孔渗水的特点。
The result is that sandstone, for example, can be as porous as the loose sand from which it was formed.


4. 大部分结晶岩石都非常坚硬,但也有例外,最常见的就是玄武岩,它是一种火山岩浆凝固后的形态,内部充满了微小的气泡,因此也具有多孔渗水的特点。
Most crystalline rocks are much more solid; a common exception is basalt, a form of solidified volcanic lava, which is sometimes full of tiny bubbles that make it very porous.


5. 他往土里搀沙子以提高渗水性能。
He add sand to the soil to make it more porous.


6. 这种黄棕色的黏性土壤渗水性好。
The sticky yellowish brown soil drains well.


7. 厨房和卫生间的渗水和透风如何解决?
Kitchen and bathroom ventilation, water seepage, and how to solve?


8. 废水通过油脂分离器后汇入渗水坑。
Grey water enters a soakaway via a grease trap.


9. 你看见有渗水咖啡粉没有?
Do you see any drip coffee?


10. 人防设施发生的断裂、陷漏、塌方和大面积渗水
The accident that the facilities of people's air defense happen, because of rupturing, falling into the reason to leak, cave in and infiltrate by a large scale


11. 厨房、卫生间渗水主要是两个方面的原因造成的。
The reason that water of kitchen, toilet ooze basically is two respects causes.


12. 比如,在伦敦·维多利亚地铁站挖地铁的时候开始出现渗水
For example, when the subway was being dug under Victoria station in London, water began seeping in.


13. 我们亦会借此机会进行如维修堤岸渗水范围等养殖池保养工程。
We will use this opportunity to carry out maintenance of the collection, such as repairing any leaks in the bunds.


14. 织物渗水性能(即耐静水压指标)是防水织物的重要指标之一。
Water permeability, that is, hydrostatic pressure, is an important index of waterproof fabric.


15. 朝墙面不得有粘胶带或塑料带的存在,避免形成结合部缝隙渗水
There should be no adhesive tape or plastic belt on the wall surface to avoid the formation of joint seepage.


16. 你可以测试你的地下室墙壁渗水以12块铝箔和附加到墙壁潮湿。
You can test your basement walls for seepage by taking a 12 piece of aluminum foil and attaching it to the moist wall.


17. 用交流阻抗方法研究了混凝土渗水过程和失水过程的机理和速率。
Permeation process and dehydration process of concrete were studied by use of impedance spectroscopy.


18. 这些问题在野外试验中常常遇到,是影响渗水试验精度的常见因素。
These problems are frequently encountered in field test which are common factors influencing the precision of infiltration test.


19. 分析外墙渗水产生的原因,并提出了具体有效的防治措施及施工方法。
Analysis wall seepage generated reason, and proposed specific effective prevention and control measures and construction method.


20. 过去四年里,他们打通了七条隧道,但一条出现塌方,另一条出现渗水
Of the seven they built over the past four years, one has collapsed and the other is seeping water.


21. 在使用过程中如果出现渗水,必须马上停机进行更换后方可正常工作。
When water seepage happens during the using process, immediately stop to change, then it can normally work.


22. 用来分析试验以从铅中分离贵重金属的用骨灰制成的小的多孔渗水的碗。
Small porous bowl made of bone ash used in assaying to separate precious metals from e. g. lead.


23. 大坝一期混凝土面板和一期面板的补强面板分别遭受坝基反渗水压力的破坏。
The first concrete face and its strengthening face are destroyed by the inverse seepage water pressure on dam foundation.


24. 鹦鹉螺还能抵抗撞击、振动、防盐防雾、防渗水并能经受噪声和电磁干扰的影响。
The Nautilus meets withstands shock, vibration, salt, fog, drip, fungus, acoustic noise, and EMI.


25. 水分的脱盐效率随淋洗水量的增加呈幂函数减小,随入渗水矿化度的增加线性减少。
The water-desalting efficient decreased exponentially with increasing leaching water volume and linearly with water salinity.


26. 水分的脱盐效率随淋洗水量和入渗水矿化度的增加而减小,与土壤初始含水量无关。
The desalting efficiency of saline water decreased with increasing amount of leaching water and the concentration of saline water, but was independent of initial soil water content.


27. 裂缝经处理后,混凝土表面干燥,裂缝处未见渗水现象发生,裂缝处理取得了良好的效果。
After crack treatment the surface of concrete becomes dry and seepage phenomenon doesn't occur at all places of cracks.


28. 未来的研究将着力于更好地保护它们;他们将研究利用一种多空渗水的薄膜,使之更为结实。
Future research will focus on protecting them better and investigating the use of a thin porous film to make them more robust.


29. 未来的研究将着力于更好地保护它们;他们将研究利用一种多空渗水的薄膜,使之更为结实。
Future research will focus on protecting them better and investigating the use of a thin porous film to make them more robust.
