1. 浪子已经回头了。
The prodigal had returned.


2. 他曾是个花花公子,一个骗子,一个四处寻欢作乐的浪子
He was a ladies' man. A cheater. A player.


3. 另外以我对他的了解,这是个有点浪子气息的家伙。我们断断续续地在一起露营了近两年。
I believe, from what I know of him, he was a bit of a rake. We bivouacked together on and off for nearly two years.


4. 我们有女英雄与她朋友的信件,也有恶棍与浪子的信件,因此,我们可以看到这些战士是如何互相欺骗的。
We have the letters of the heroine with her friend, and of the villain with a rake, so we can see how these combatants are deceived by each other.


5. 这个青年完全有可能成为十足的浪子
This young man had all the inclination to be a profligate of the first water.


6. 全家人都去机场迎接这个回头浪子
All the family went to the airport to welcome home the prodigal son.


7. 浪子才一米六,她却吹嘘成其貌不扬。
Prodigal only one meter six, she was touted as nothing to boast about.


8. 做一个干净的人。不是浪子。不是情人。
Be a clean person. Is not a prodigal son. Not a lover.


9. 周杰伦在影片中扮演鲁莽却浪漫的浪子膏。
Chou plays Wax, a reckless young man with a romantic streak.


10. 他们被称作浪子,也就是那些只会闲逛的人。
He was called a flaneur, one who strolled the arcades.


11. 我失去了露丝,却冤枉地担上了准浪子的名声。
I lost Ruth and gained an undeserved reputation as a potential libertine.


12. 绿球暗示位于这个选择性浪子通道中的钾浪子
The green sphere depicts potassium ions in the selectivity filter.


13. 那么如何让百度再重新收录这个浪子回头的站呢?
So how to make Baidu again new collect the station of this return to the fold?


14. 我在这许多个千年里有太多的名字了,年轻的浪子
I've had many names throughout the millennia, Young prodigal.


15. 他承认了自己的问题,开始了一段长期的浪子回头的历程。
After he admitted his problem, he began the long road back.


16. 我决心,我要像一个真正回头的浪子,回到家里,回到我父亲的身边。
And I resolv'd that I would, like a true repenting Prodigal, go home to my Father.


17. 象征主义者之墨守原文,唯美主义,反映浪子与城市的关系。
Symbolist Textuality, Aestheticism, Relation to Image the Flaneur and the City.


18. 而片中的大反派则是刚刚把地盘输给浪子膏的流氓——红毛。
An even bigger rival is a red-haired gangster who is losing his territory to Wax.


19. 然而,浪子不知回头是金,我仍然沉浸在每个星期100个小时的工作中。
Instead I got busy working 100-hour workweeks.


20. 别让自己陷入万劫不复的境地,在一切还没有太晚之前浪子回头吧。
Don't let yourself hit rock bottom, turn yourself around before it's too late!


21. 传说卡萨诺瓦(意大利冒险家、风流浪子)早餐要吃掉50只生牡蛎。
Casanova, the legend goes, would eat 50 raw oysters for breakfast.


22. 记住,他并不喜欢邪恶的人死去,而总是呼唤罪恶之人浪子回头并活下去。
Remember, he has no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but tenderly calls sinners to turn from their evil ways and live.


23. 我们像浪子,最终都通过回到“当下”,找到我们的精神家园和真正的幸福。
Like the Prodigal Son, we all eventually return to "now" to find our spiritual home and to find true happiness.


24. 而今他浪子回头并在当地做志愿者,他给卫报的读者们提出了若干防盗建议。
Now he wants to make amends. He is volunteering in his local area and he agreed to advise Guardian readers how not to get their bikes stolen.


25. 詹姆斯告诉警方是他兄弟偷了那辆汽车,这也就说明了盗亦无道、浪子无义。
James told the police that it was his brother who stole the car, which goes to show that there's no honour among thieves.


26. 可怜的浪子,他感冒了,泪流不止,而那只代表夏季即将到来的燕子冻死在雪地里。
Poor rake! His eyes with rheumy moisture flow; the little bird that spoke of summer days to follow, lies frozen in the snow.


27. 可怜的浪子,他感冒了,泪流不止,而那只代表夏季即将到来的燕子冻死在雪地里。
Poor rake! His eyes with rheumy moisture flow; the little bird that spoke of summer days to follow, lies frozen in the snow.
