1. 我们很容易一意孤行,还认为按着自己的方式与本能所做的事,总是正确无误,不偏不倚。即便事实是我们“正中红心”的生活,根本是无的放矢。
It's easy to live our lives doing what we want and thinking that our ways and instincts are right on target when in reality our "bull 's-eye" shots at life are not on target at all.


2. 我们很容易一意孤行,还认为按着自己的方式与本能所做的事,总是正确无误,不偏不倚。即便事实是我们“正中红心”的生活,根本是无的放矢。
It's easy to live our lives doing what we want and thinking that our ways and instincts are right on target when in reality our "bull 's-eye" shots at life are not on target at all.
