1. 中国有句谚语说:“开门七件事,柴米油盐酱醋茶。”
A Chinese saying goes that "Firewood, rice, cooking oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea are the seven necessities to begin a day."


2. 五十年牵手,养儿育女柴米油盐
Fifty years hand in hand, keep son children daily necessities.


3. 然而现实是柴米油盐,是锅碗瓢盆。
But the reality is daily necessities, is basin of boiler bowl gourd ladle.


4. 她说她来世上不为生儿育女,不为柴米油盐
She said she is not here to procreate, not for fuel.


5. 生活就是柴米油盐
The life is the daily necessities.


6. 其实全世界最幸福的童话,不过是一起柴米油盐的岁月。
In fact, the happiest fairy tale is no more than the simple days we have had together.


7. 你们度过了琐碎的一生、柴米油盐的一生、平淡的一生、幸福的一生。
You had a trivial life, daily necessities of life, plain life, happy life.


8. 作为开门七件事(柴米油盐姜醋茶),一个茶在古代中国是非常普遍的。
As open seven things (leading a poor You yan jiangcu tea), one of tea in ancient China is very common.


9. 他们将要一起面对充斥着柴米油盐等等琐事的日常生活,一起计划开销。
They'll have to face the endless chores in daily life and plan for their money together.


10. 作为开门七件事(柴米油盐酱醋茶)之一,饮茶在古代中国是非常普遍的。
As open seven things (leading a poor Youyanjiangcu tea), one of tea in ancient China is very common.


11. 我才顿悟,她才是真的过着柴米油盐的日子,我们只是在随心所欲的生活。
I just insight, she is really lived a daily necessities of day, we just follow one's inclinations of life.


12. 只要有你陪伴,岁月便是静好,柴米油盐不再繁琐,无所作为也不再感觉迷茫。
As long as you accompany, time is quiet, fuel is no longer tedious, inaction will no longer feel confused.


13. 剧中阿里家一直在为柴米油盐操心担忧,可是他们从来没有丧失对生活的希望。
In the show, Ali's family were always worrying about necessities for everyday life, but they never lost the hope for life.


14. 要想成为一对浪漫夫妻,而不仅仅是沦于柴米油盐的夫妻,最重要的是感情上的亲近。
What make you a romantic, rather than a purely functional couple, is being emotionally intimate.


15. 忙着追名逐利的你,忙着柴米油盐的你,停下来想一秒:你的大脑,是不是已经被体制化了?
You who is busy pursuing wealth and fame, busy with daily necessities, you stop and think for a second: your brain, has been institutionalized?


16. 婚姻没有那么多浪漫的事,咱们现实点,生活还有柴米油盐酱醋茶呢!咱能每天别靠浪漫活着吗?
Marriage is not so many romantic things, let's be realistic, life and daily necessities sauce vinegar tea! Can I don't rely on romance alive every day?


17. 我郑重地向大会提出,我们应该深刻地注意群众生活的问题,从土地、劳动问题,到柴米油盐问题。
I earnestly suggest to this congress that we pay close attention to the well-being of the masses, from the problems of land and Labour to those of fuel, rice, cooking oil and salt.


18. 爱情不仅是实际生活中的柴米油盐酱醋茶,它还是一件庄重的事情,它需要应对和承诺,需要证实和鼓励。
Not only love is bread and milk in our lives, but it is also a solemn matter that needs interaction and commitment, testimony and encouragement.


19. 咱们要认清一个看法,恋爱可以风花雪月,婚姻却是柴米油盐,没有物资作基础的,再璀璨的恋爱也会凋落的。
We are all to identify a point of view, love can be romantic, but the marriage is rice and salt, if there was no material as a basis, and then love will be withered bright.


20. 你爱上了一位浪漫的诗人,但是你选择婚姻的时候,还得考虑诸如柴米油盐、终身厮守、“齐大非偶”等等因素。
You fell in love with a romantic poet, but when you get married, have to consider, such as fuel, life together for, "Let's largest non-dual" factors.


21. 书就像“柴米油盐酱醋茶”,它们把生活中的酸甜苦辣都浓缩在字字句句中,让我们捧起它就像捧起了对生命的感悟。
Books like "tea", which the ups and downs in life are concentrated in every word in the sentence, let us like to win the victory of life.


22. 爱情有时候就是柴米油盐、琐琐碎碎的感受,有的时候宁可聊得两个人话不投机有冲突,甚至发点小脾气,这都比不聊要好。
Love can be fuel, rice, cooking oil and salt all these daily necessities, or kinds of feelings. Sometimes lovers have conflicts or even lost their temper when they didn't talk to the point.


23. 研究显示,在结婚头几年,随着对婚姻生活的梦想逐渐在每日的柴米油盐中瓦解,在这种情况下,婚姻出现危机的风险最大。
The risk is highest in the first few years of marriage when the dream of life together gives way to the daily grind, the study showed.


24. 你想想,结婚后,你们夫妻柴米油盐十多年了,再纯洁的爱情也会染上烟尘,情感也会变得粗糙起来,爱情的质地和形状都发生了变化。
But think about this: now you have got married and lived together for more than ten years. Time would have dusted and stained your love.


25. 每个人都在忙,有的忙着生,有的忙着死。忙着追名逐利的你,忙着柴米油盐的你,停下来想一秒:你的大脑,是不是已经被体制化了?
Everyone is busy, some are busy living, some are busy dying, busy chasing fame and fortune in your busy daily necessities of you, stop to think a second: your brain, is not already institutionalized?


26. 柯切主任与夏皮洛院长碰到一起,从柴米油盐的“往哪里来,过哪边去”开始到谈及有关哥大与巴纳德学院的各项事务,可以谈的事情很多。
The pair has plenty to discuss, like “where we’ve been and where we’re going, ” says Kitcher. “What things at Barnard and Columbia are like.


27. 激情过后,剩下的是平平淡淡的日子,柴米油盐、锅碗瓢盆,每一样都是那样现实那样淡然,爱情里的玫瑰与巧克力再也不能作为生活的主食。
Every time, after remaining nothing exciting day, daily necessities, pots and pans, everything is as realistic as it lightly, love, roses and chocolates can no longer be a staple of life.


28. 激情过后,剩下的是平平淡淡的日子,柴米油盐、锅碗瓢盆,每一样都是那样现实那样淡然,爱情里的玫瑰与巧克力再也不能作为生活的主食。
Every time, after remaining nothing exciting day, daily necessities, pots and pans, everything is as realistic as it lightly, love, roses and chocolates can no longer be a staple of life.
