1. 双变频器,手臂运作和杓子运作可巧妙配合。
Dual frequency inverter controlled, provides respective movement coordination for the arm and ladle.


2. 他玩著一个杓子
And he played upon a ladle.


3. 小女孩顾不得困,跳下床,穿好衣,拿了一把长柄的就去井边取水。
The little girl, despite her sleepiness, immediately got out of bed, dressed, and took a ladle with a long handle to get water from the well.


4. 当另外两个女祭司入神地舞蹈著,神像左边的女祭司正以杓子舀取酒,装进酒杯中。
The maenad on the left of the idol is ladling wine into a drinking cup, while the other two maenads dance ecstatically.


5. 今天我们看到那七颗星时,是否也会想起曾有过这么一位孝顺、仁慈而勇敢小女孩呢?
Now when you see the seven stars of the Big Dipper, won't it remind you of this filial, kind, and brave little girl?


6. 你或者曾在夜晚欣赏美丽的星空,注意到有七颗星组成的星座,形状像个大似的,那就是大熊星座里的北斗七星。
If you have ever gazed at the stars, you may have noticed a group of seven stars shaped like a big soup ladle--this is the Big Dipper in the Ursa Major constellation.


7. 等到小女孩给妈妈喝下水,让妈妈舒服地躺下来时,那柄杓子已经变成闪烁晶亮的钻石,而且一直向着窗外漆黑的夜空飞去,终于高高地挂在天上,正对大家愉快地瞬着眼睛哩!
After the mother drank the water and lay down comfortably, the ladle turned into brilliant diamond and flew out the window to hang high up into the night sky, twinkling happily for everyone to see.


8. 等到小女孩给妈妈喝下水,让妈妈舒服地躺下来时,那柄杓子已经变成闪烁晶亮的钻石,而且一直向着窗外漆黑的夜空飞去,终于高高地挂在天上,正对大家愉快地瞬着眼睛哩!
After the mother drank the water and lay down comfortably, the ladle turned into brilliant diamond and flew out the window to hang high up into the night sky, twinkling happily for everyone to see.
