1. 我们得斟酌法律应如何修订。
We need to consider how the law might be reformed.


2. 我们应该仔细斟酌学生们的请求——学校的图书馆应该提供更多关于大众科学的书。
We should consider the students' request that the school library provide more books on popular science.


3. 我把这件事留给你自己斟酌决定。
I'll leave it up to you to use your discretion.


4. 有时斟酌得当的只言片语就能达到目的。
Sometimes a few choice words will do the trick.


5. 她那经过斟酌的答复会受到选民的欢迎。
Her more measured response will appeal to voters.


6. 她在各种选择间权衡斟酌
She weighed her options.


7. 究竟要把哪些资料收入报告,你得仔细斟酌
You will have to be selective about which information to include in the report.


8. 他们正在斟酌能否把钱花到其他更适当的地方。
They are pondering whether the money could be better used elsewhere.


9. 斟酌一下她的言外之意,我觉得克莱尔需要钱。
Reading between the lines, I think Clare needs money.


10. 上个月,一个联邦大陪审团开始仔细斟酌该案的证据。
Last month, a federal grand jury began mulling evidence in the case.


11. 在与他人交谈时,请斟酌你的语言。
While you are talking with others, please weigh your words.


12. 在过去,我们必须斟酌平衡自己的饮食,但现在我们正在打破这种平衡。
In the past we had to have a taste trade-off, but we're breaking that trade-off.


13. 这件事情斟酌斟酌再定。
Think over the matter and then make a decision.


14. 是否可行,请斟酌
Please consider if this is feasible.


15. 对要购买的资产的选择需要仔细的斟酌
The choice of assets to be purchased requires careful consideration.


16. 美联储对这个问题已斟酌很久。
The Fed has been nibbling at the problem for some time.


17. 他们具有前瞻性,并且会仔细斟酌所得的成果。
They are proactive and consider seriously the results they achieve.


18. 对于第一个问题的答案将被斟酌数年。
The answer to the first question will be measured in years.


19. 只是被告知要斟酌证据。
only that they should weigh the evidence.


20. 即使报告提了一点进展,我们也需仔细斟酌
Even the reports of modest progress need to be read with the utmost caution.


21. 变化主要有三层,您需要仔细斟酌哪一层适合您的组织。
Given that there are three levels of change, you should carefully consider which level is appropriate for your organization.


22. 但如果这真的可行,我们必须仔细斟酌其后果。
But if that were feasible, the consequences would need to be carefully thought through.


23. 但是如果合理的价格计划出现了,我会对他们多加斟酌的。
But if reasonably priced plans appear, I will give them serious consideration.


24. 经过这么多个月的斟酌,结果就是这些平淡的话语吗?
After all those months of deliberation, was this prosaic utterance the pay-off?


25. 他说话语速很慢,语调机械,似乎每一个词都要斟酌
His speech is slow and robotic, as if he is searching for every word.


26. 虽然具体细节还有待斟酌,但离达成妥协已经不远了。
He said details remain to be worked out, but a compromise is within reach.


27. 虽然具体细节还有待斟酌,但离达成妥协已经不远了。
He said details remain to be worked out, but a compromise is within reach.
