1. 我尽量不让工作干扰我的私生活。
I try not to let work interfere with my personal life.


2. 建筑施工不断制造噪音、灰尘和干扰
The building work is creating constant noise, dust and disturbance.


3. 这架飞机用于进行电子干扰和雷达探测。
The plane is used for electronic jamming and radar detection.


4. 我可以不受干扰地在仓库里呆上一整天。
I can spend the whole day undisturbed at the warehouse.


5. 成功繁殖需要安宁的环境,干扰越少越好。
Successful breeding requires quiet, peaceful conditions with as little disturbance as possible.


6. 对身体平衡状态的任何干扰都可能产生压力。
Any disturbance to the body's state of equilibrium can produce stress.


7. 她突然哭起来,大声抽噎,干扰了其他拜神者。
She burst into tears and loud sobs that disturbed the other worshippers.


8. 沙利文街上曾有一家小餐馆,我们可以在那里不受干扰地交谈。
There was a small restaurant on Sullivan Street where we could talk undisturbed.


9. 这意味着人们并没有屏蔽干扰
That means people were not blocking out the distraction.


10. 它基本上没有受到人类的干扰
It remains largely undisturbed by humans.


11. 其他系统似乎对抗干扰也很有信心。
Other systems also seem confident on the subject of jamming.


12. 电话干扰了机场的无线电通讯,对吗?
The phones interfere with the radio communication at the airport, right?


13. 干扰攻击是绝对有可能的。
Jamming attacks are absolutely possible.


14. 因为噪音的干扰,我们无法专心写作业。
We can't focus on our homework because of the disturbing noise.


15. 它将严重干扰工作的进展。
It will seriously interfere with the progress of the work.


16. 这些粒子干扰了地球上碳-14的形成。
The particles interfere with the formation of carbon-14 on earth.


17. 所有这些都会造成干扰
All these things cause interference.


18. 外来有害生物比大多数非生物干扰更有效。
Exotic pests are more efficient than most abiotic disturbances.


19. 大自然现在似乎能为自己发声而很少被干扰
Nature now seemed able to speak for itself, with a minimum of interference.


20. 所以当大脑满载时,就无法感知到新的干扰
So when the brain is loaded to capacity, no new distractions can be perceived.


21. 如果你想干扰汽车工业,你最好有几十亿美元。
If you want to disturb the car industry, you'd better have a few billion dollars.


22. 某些频率比其他频率更容易找到并获取干扰设备。
It's easier to find and acquire jamming equipment for some frequencies than it is for others.


23. 大量使用媒体设备会缩短睡眠时间,从而干扰睡眠。
Heavy media use interferes with sleep by reducing sleep duration.


24. 我们也验证了SimpliSafe的抗干扰系统是有效的。
We also verified that SimpliSafe's anti-jamming system works.


25. 然而,我们也验证了SimpliSafe的抗干扰系统是有效的。
However, we also verified that SimpliSafe's anti-jamming system works.


26. 这些摄像机的存在不会造成干扰
The cameras were not an intrusive presence.


27. 突然的嘈杂声干扰了她的比赛。
The sudden noise put her off her game.


28. 另有指控称仍有电话窃听和干扰
There have also been claims of continued phone-tapping and bugging.


29. 他们会设法用电子手段干扰这些发射。
They will try to jam the transmissions electronically.


30. 可以把病床隔开,以使病人少受干扰
Beds can be screened off to give patients more privacy.
