1. 昨天我们参观了少林寺的大雄宝殿
Yesterday, we visited Daxiong temple hall of Shaolin temple.


2. 接来下我们去的是大雄宝殿
Now we are going to the Great Buddha's Hall.


3. 大雄宝殿里的雕塑非常珍贵。
The sculptures in the Great Buddha's Hall are very precious.


4. 在大雄宝殿,莲花宝座上有3尊大佛。
In the Great Buddha's Hall, there are three big Buddha on the lotus.


5. 大同华严寺大雄宝殿壁画一向被史学家们认为是清代作品。
Datong Huayan monastery murals have always been considered Qing dynasty works by historians.


6. 因其在寺内东部的制高点上,是佛光寺的大雄宝殿,故名东大殿。
Because of their high ground in the eastern part of the temple, the Buddhist temple is the Main hall, named the east hall.


7. 寺内大雄宝殿及东西配殿皆系无量殿形制,以青砖雕仿木结构建造。
Temple Main hall and the side hall in a palace things are immeasurable hall of the Department of shapes, Fangmu brick structure with green construction.


8. 全封闭空间包括寺院内部功能部分如大雄宝殿、僧寮、念佛堂、禅堂和藏经阁等。
Enclosed space consists of some internal functions such as the Grand Buddha Hall, Monks Dorm, Praying Hall, Meditation Hall and the Depositary of Buddhist Texts and so on.


9. 大雄宝殿前一左一右两座白色报恩塔,成群的鸽子在两塔之间的空地上啄食、嘻戏。
The main hall in front of the left and right two white Enta, groups of pigeons in the space between the two pecking pecking, laughing.


10. 寒山寺中的主要景点有大雄宝殿、藏经楼、钟楼、碑文《枫桥夜泊》、枫江第一楼。
The main buildings in that temple are then Daxiong Hall (the main hall in each buddhist temple), the Sutra Hall, the Clock Tower, the in script ion "Midnight Bells", the first floor of Maple River.


11. 2010年5月9日,好友打电话说去永年参加观音菩萨寺院大雄宝殿奠基仪式,我说我也去,就一同去了。
On 9 May 2010, a good friend called me, inviting me to join her in going to Yongnian to attend the groundbreaking ceremony of the Buddha hall of Guanyin Temple. So I did.


12. 大雄宝殿屋顶用天蓝、淡绿、鹅黄、紫红等色琉璃瓦盖成,阳光下映出万道彩虹,形成“佛光普照“的绚丽影像。
The main hall is covered with a colorful glazed roof which resembles a rainbow under the sunshine to signify that "Buddhist light shines throughout the universe."


13. 大雄宝殿屋顶用天蓝、淡绿、鹅黄、紫红等色琉璃瓦盖成,阳光下映出万道彩虹,形成“佛光普照“的绚丽影像。
The main hall is covered with a colorful glazed roof which resembles a rainbow under the sunshine to signify that "Buddhist light shines throughout the universe."
