1. 被DDT浸泡过的鱼死了,被冲上岸边,白头海雕在那里大快朵颐
Fish, soaked up DDT, died, and were washed up on shores, where bald eagles feasted on them.


2. 当他看着我们大快朵颐时都冒汗了。
He sweated as he watched us gobble down the food.


3. 推迟享受而不是因为好吃就大快朵颐
Instead of finishing it off because it's so good, enjoy it later instead.


4. 日本的汽车工业准备将底特律大快朵颐
The Japanese auto industry was preparing to have Detroit for lunch.


5. 如果来到瑞典,就得准备大快朵颐一番。
If you come to Sweden, you better be prepared to eat.


6. 它们还大快朵颐她种植的西红柿和辣椒。
They feast on her tomatoes and her peppers.


7. 其他人对眼前的任何食物都大快朵颐,可还是很瘦。
Others chow down on everything in sight and still stay skinny.


8. 我们对着烤火鸡肉和烤火腿大快朵颐,直到吃不下为止。
We feasted on roast turkey and baked ham until we couldn't eat anymore.


9. 但龙虾的确是贵,别心疼钱就行,肯定让你大快朵颐的。
But the lobster is indeed expensive, do not distressed money on the line, sure to make you brisk.


10. 在岸边,我找到了一些螃蟹和植物,随即大快朵颐了一番。
I found some crabs and plants on the shore and ate them heartily.


11. 然后,我们会大快朵颐,品尝她亲手做的巧克力曲奇饼和冰淇淋。
Then we would visit over a generous helping of her delicious homemade chocolate cookies and ice cream.


12. 他只有一次机会搭弓射箭,大快朵颐或者挨饿过活,成败在此一举。
He had only one shot with his bow and arrow. With that shot, everyone ate or everyone starved.


13. 两只麦蜂溺死在蜜池中;毛茸茸的负鼠则视若无物的正在大快朵颐
Two stingless bees drowned in a sugary pool; the woolly opossum drinks around them.


14. 香山金源商旅中心酒店的丰盛美食,让口味迥异的宾客大快朵颐
A choice of sumptuous cuisine of all tastes in Fragrant Hill Golden Resources Commerce Hotel.


15. 我必须要进去,真的没办法了,大块炸鸡和可乐让我大快朵颐一番。
No, really I had to. Large fries and coke were a treat.


16. 譬如,8月3日是国际西瓜节,所以准备好在后院野餐会上大快朵颐吧。
For instance, August 3 is National Watermelon Day, so be prepared to gorge on this big fruit at a backyard picnic.


17. 如果他们与另一个部落打仗,他们就会杀了他们的敌人,然后大快朵颐
If they go to war with another tribe they kill their enemies and feast on them.


18. 你节食了好几个星期,最后,终于鼓励你并允许你大快朵颐,那会是什么感觉?
What would it feel like to finally give in to your urge and indulge after weeks of dieting?


19. 千万要避免一边看着电视一边大快朵颐,还相信那上面流行保证奇效的节食和快速减肥法。
Avoid the fad diets and fast-acting solutions that guarantee incredible weight loss while you watch television and eat deserts.


20. 不过,那些在伦敦的豪华宴会上,目睹他大快朵颐的人评价说,他脸部的抽搐使其面目扭曲。
But the people that he visited when he was snatching huge roasts off the table at the fancy parties in London commented on these facial ticks that he had that would bend his face.


21. 懂得怎么使用sudo,并按照这些最佳实践来做,那么你就可以去悠哉游哉,大快朵颐了。
Know how to use sudo and follow these best practices, and then you can relax and enjoy every sandwich.


22. 降解过程一直在进行中:墨西哥湾里都是细菌,只要能进入一小块石油中,它们就能大快朵颐
This process is already well under way: the gulf is full of bacteria that happily chomp oil, if they get it in tiny specks.


23. 在日本和一些非洲国家,吃饭就是吃饭,所以当其他人都在大快朵颐时,不要谈论你当天的经历。
In some countries, like China, Japan, and some African nations, the food’s the thing, so don’t start chatting about your day’s adventures while everyone else is digging into dinner.


24. 在日本和一些非洲国家,吃饭就是吃饭,所以当其他人都在大快朵颐时,不要谈论你当天的经历。
In some countries, like China, Japan, and some African nations, the food's the thing, so don't start chatting about your day's adventures while everyone else is digging into dinner.


25. 很快,有超过35只鬣狗大快朵颐,而那头水牛终于咽气,它(水牛)的同伴也不再试图保护它了。
Soon there were over 35 hyenas feeding on the buffalo, which had finallysuccumbed, and its herd mates were no longer trying to defend it.


26. 在办公室或者车里放些健康零食,比如小胡萝卜和杏仁,当老板给你压力的时候你可以大快朵颐
Keep healthy snacks like baby carrots and almonds in your office or car so you can munch on these when your boss is pushing your buttons.


27. 你甚至不需要停车就能拿到一个大汉堡;开车回家的路上经过穿梭餐厅2分钟,你就可以大快朵颐
You don't even have to get out of your car to pick up a Big Mac. You place your order at the drive-thru and within two minutes you can take the first bite as you drive home.


28. 你甚至不需要停车就能拿到一个大汉堡;开车回家的路上经过穿梭餐厅2分钟,你就可以大快朵颐
You don't even have to get out of your car to pick up a Big Mac. You place your order at the drive-thru and within two minutes you can take the first bite as you drive home.
