1. 此券只限堂食,请于付款前出示此券。
This coupon cannot be used for take-away orders. Please present this coupon before payment.


2. 凯宾斯基饭店面包房是一家可以堂食的甜点房。
Kempinski Hotel bakery is a dessert you can dine room.


3. 必胜客、星巴克和哈根达斯在中国都专注于堂食,而非外带。
Pizza Hut, Starbucks and Häagen-Dazs all focused on eat-in, rather than carry-out , in China.


4. 你可以将餐带走或堂食,不论哪种方式服务都很快,大约需要5- 8分钟。
You can get meals to go or stay. Either way, the service is quick, taking five to eight minutes.


5. 递送形式、包装和物的品种都花样繁多:有汉堡,也有价格昂贵的美大餐。不过这些都可以被归类为“外卖”,因为它们都不是堂食的。在美国,外卖物常被视同为快餐。
Delivery format, packaging, and types of food vary greatly, ranging from hamburgers to expensive gourmet fare, but all may be categorized as takeout because of this off-premise consumption.


6. 递送形式、包装和物的品种都花样繁多:有汉堡,也有价格昂贵的美大餐。不过这些都可以被归类为“外卖”,因为它们都不是堂食的。在美国,外卖物常被视同为快餐。
Delivery format, packaging, and types of food vary greatly, ranging from hamburgers to expensive gourmet fare, but all may be categorized as takeout because of this off-premise consumption.
