1. 他需要吗啡来减轻胸口处的疼痛。
He needs morphine to deaden the pain in his chest.


2. 当老鼠同时服用吗啡和新型药物纳曲酮时,虽然仍会发生血液中毒,但发生的频率大大降低。
When mice are given both morphine and the new drug naltrexone, blood poisoning is much less frequent, although it does still occur.


3. 摄入了吗啡的老鼠很可能会发生血液中毒,因为通常存在于肠道的细菌会通过迁移到血液中来对吗啡做出反应。
Mice that have been given morphine are very likely to develop blood poisoning because bacteria that normally reside in the intestine typically respond to morphine by migrating into the bloodstream.


4. 帕瑞昔布甚至能取代吗啡
Dynastat could even supersede morphine.


5. 对于逆反学习,阿扑吗啡注射组动物的正确次数较对照组显著降低。
For reversal learning, the mean correct number of rats in apomorphine group was significantly lower than its in saline group.


6. 高压的生活再加上对吗啡等止痛药物的依赖,导致她患上了出血性胃溃疡和肝损害。
High living, including a dependence on painkillers like morphine, helped bring her a bleeding ulcer and liver damage; more than once she collapsed dramatically onstage.


7. 目的:观察不同时程吗啡依赖大鼠心理依赖相关脑区超微结构和突触数量的变化。
Objective: to observe the ultrastructure and synaptic number of cerebral regions related to psychological dependence in rats with different morphine dependent time.


8. 但可能的是科学家有朝一日能诱发人体产生一种天然吗啡抗体,这可能比向人体注射危害更小。
But it's possible that scientists could someday induce a person's body to create a natural jolt of morphine that might prove less damaging than injecting the substance into the body.


9. 目的:综合比较吗啡缓释片和病人自控静脉镇痛在晚期癌症病人疼痛治疗中的临床效果。
Aim: To compare the clinical analgesic efficacy of controlled-release morphine tablets and patient-controlled intravenous analgesia in late stage cancer patients.


10. 结论:针刺通过抑制NOS活力与NO生成,在改善吗啡戒断症状过程中起到良性调节作用。
Conclusion: Acupunctureplay good regulation role in the course of improving morphine abstinence syndrome by inhibiting NOS activity and decreasing NO production.


11. 这些发现让贝内代蒂博士猜测在赛前被允许合法使用的吗啡所产生的安慰剂效应是否可能持续到正式比赛。
That led Dr Benedetti to wonder if the effect of legally administered pre-competition morphine might, perfectly legally, be carried over into a competition by giving a placebo .


12. 这些发现让贝内代蒂博士猜测在赛前被允许合法使用的吗啡所产生的安慰剂效应是否可能持续到正式比赛。
That led Dr Benedetti to wonder if the effect of legally administered pre-competition morphine might, perfectly legally, be carried over into a competition by giving a placebo.


13. 使用吗啡一周后,随着病人耐受其止痛效果随之降低,同时病人遭受着像成瘾和便秘的副作用。
After a week of morphine use, its effectiveness decreases as patients build tolerance, and patients also experience negative side effects like addiction and constipation.


14. 从抗生素、吗啡,到香水、防晒油,科研人员也在了解这些冲进下水道的合法药物及个人护理用品的情况。
Scientists are also developing a clearer picture of how legal pharmaceuticals and personal-care products—from antibiotics and morphine to fragrances and sunscreen—are flooding our waterways.


15. 目的探讨病人自控硬膜外低浓度布比卡因复合小剂量吗啡镇痛对肿瘤病人术后免疫功能的影响。
Objective To investigate the effect of patient controlled epidural analgesia (PCEA)using low concentration bupivacaine and morphine on immunity function of the carcinoma patient after surgery.


16. 目的:探讨吗啡作为第三阶梯止痛药对晚期癌症患者重度疼痛治疗的效果、剂量滴定及不良反应。
Objective: To approach the clinical effect, titration dosages and side effect of oral morphine as the third analgesics ladder for the advanced cancer patients with severe pain.


17. 狗鞘内肉牙肿形成后吗啡剂量和浓度相关的时间梯度与作用:一项联合磁共振和组织病理学的研究。
Time Course and Role of Morphine Dose and Concentration in Intrathecal Granuloma Formation in Dogs: A Combined Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Histopathology Investigation.


18. Kraepelin遵循在冯特实验室期间学习的实验原则,研究了酒精,吗啡和其他药物对人类被试的影响。
Following the experimental protocols he had learned in Wundt's laboratory, Kraepelin examined the effects of alcohol, morphine, and other drugs on human subjects.


19. 结论:吗啡显著兴奋吗啡依赖大鼠腹侧苍白球神经元,腹侧苍白球在药物强化过程中起着重要作用。
Conclusi on: the firing of ventral pallidal neurons is excited prominently from morphine in the morphine dependent rats. Ventral pallidum has an important role in drug reward.


20. 她住在那儿看护琳达,陪护琳达每次药物治疗和化疗,不管她注射了琳达用的吗啡后有多亢奋,总不忘浆洗床单。
She deserved it—she had lived there as Linda’s caretaker, never missed a medication or a chemo trip, always laundered the sheets, no matter how high she was off Linda’s morphine.


21. 目的谷氨酸NMDA受体拮抗剂地卓西平(MK801)对大鼠急性吗啡依赖戒断性情绪反应的影响。
ObjectiveTo investigate the effect of NMDA receptor antagonist MK801 on the negative affection induced by withdrawal from acute morphine dependence in rats.


22. 目的研究脑内核团毁损对吗啡成瘾大鼠戒断症状及行为学方面的影响,以及毁损前后的脑形态学变化。
Objective To study effects of stereotaxic lesioning on abstinence symptom and ethology, and observe brain morphological changes after the lesioning in morphine-addicted rats.


23. 根据Brown大学科学家发表在《Nature》上的文章,吗啡会阻碍大脑加强抵制性突触之间联系的能力。
Morphine, as little as a single dose, blocks the brain s ability to strengthen connections at inhibitory synapses, according to new Brown University research published in Nature.


24. 研究人员在位于马萨诸塞州北格拉芙顿的塔夫茨大学康明斯兽医学院里给正在青春期中的母鼠持续注射吗啡十天。
Researchers at the Tufts University Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine in North Grafton, Mass., exposed female rats to morphine for 10 days during adolescence.


25. 他过来要吗啡,而我说,‘你会活着出去的,你会有机会将你的英雄故事,你会到弗洛伦斯来看望我们的。
“He was coming to and asking for morphine and I said, ‘You’ll get out and tell your hero stories and come visit us in Florence,’ and he was, like, ‘I will, I will.


26. 该诱发反应具有反应阈值高、潜伏期长、反应形式复杂、后作用时间长、可被静脉注射吗啡抑制等特点。
The evoked responses have the specificities with higher threshold, longer latency, complex reactive patterns, and being inhibited by the action of morphine.


27. 目的:比较罗哌卡因伍用哌替啶、吗啡或曲马朵用于术后硬膜外自控镇痛(PCEA)的效果及不良反应。
Objective: to compare the analgesic effects and aversive side effects of ropivacaine combined with pethidine, morphine or tramadol for postoperative patient control epidural analgesia (PCEA).


28. 结论:吗啡诱导的小鼠结肠慢传输运动模型日平均粪便重量减少、粪便性状变干硬、肠道推进率明显减慢。
Conclusions the mouse model of morphine-induced colon slow transit motility has dry and hard fecal character, decreased average daily fecal weight and the slow intestinal transit rate.


29. 结论:吗啡诱导的小鼠结肠慢传输运动模型日平均粪便重量减少、粪便性状变干硬、肠道推进率明显减慢。
Conclusions the mouse model of morphine-induced colon slow transit motility has dry and hard fecal character, decreased average daily fecal weight and the slow intestinal transit rate.
