1. 这很麻烦:你可以抛售股票组合的一部分,但你却不能一个厨房。
It is lumpy: you can offload parts of your share portfolio, but you cannot sell off the kitchen.


2. 他把客户名给竞争对手,因此给解雇。
He was fired because he sold the client list to a competitor.


3. 如果可以单卖,但是你想买两个,那当然看成复数更好。
How much are the two butterflies? this is a good sentence for a price. take it!


4. 这个是帮助他们购买到他们的需要而不是单卖东西给他们。
This is the key to helping them want to buy instead of selling them.


5. 一开始我以为砍下来的鱼头都被出去做汤喝或干脆扔掉了。
At first I thought that the heads had been chopped off to sell for soup or to throw away.


6. 但网上用户有时并不想为了小钱把东西简掉,而是互相交换物品。
But sometimes instead of selling theseitems for paltry amounts of cash, online users barter with each other.


7. 对不起,这个不能单卖的,因为这个都是配套的,这是公司规定的。
Sorry, this can not be sold because it is matching, which is provided.


8. 塑料球可作住室,塑料管可作地道;你负责供应食物、土壤、苔藓和水(还有蚂蚁,这是的)。
Plastic spheres and tubes serve as living Chambers and tunnels; you provide food, soil, moss, and water (and ants, sold separately).


9. 从二十世纪八十年代,艾滋病患者被人怂恿将他们自己的保给投机商换取现金起,一个小规模市场就已经起步。
In the 1980s a small market took off when AIDS sufferers were enticed to sell their policies to speculators for cash.


10. 事实上我看好的也是这个,很多年轻女孩她不要我的辣椒酱,但是喜欢我的玻璃器皿,鲁信长春的好几个大姐都是直接问我瓶子
many young girls preferred glassware to chili patse,and most of them asked me if I could sell single glassware to them.


11. 事实上我看好的也是这个,很多年轻女孩她不要我的辣椒酱,但是喜欢我的玻璃器皿,鲁信长春的好几个大姐都是直接问我瓶子
many young girls preferred glassware to chili patse,and most of them asked me if I could sell single glassware to them.
