1. 本月早些时候在维也纳为前联合国工作人员举行了午宴
Earlier this month, a luncheon for former U.N. staff was held in Vienna.


2. 实际上,我得给女士们的午宴做准备。
Actually, I need to go get ready for the ladies' luncheon.


3. 我星期五出席了一场慈善午宴
I attended a charity luncheon on Friday.


4. 离开午宴后我们去了众议院。
We left this luncheon to go to the Chamber of Deputies.


5. 他们的商务午宴由一家印度餐厅提供。
They had the business luncheon catered by an Indian restaurant.


6. 授奖仪式在一个午宴上进行。
The presentation was to be made at a luncheon .


7. 如下是6月16日商务午宴的相关照片。
Below are photos from June 16 Networking Lunch.


8. 她脸上没有那种受邀准备参加午宴的神气。
She had not the air of being about to accept an invitation to luncheon.


9. 大使设午宴招待我们。
The ambassador entertained us at lunch.


10. 正式午餐属于午宴的一种,其正式程度不如晚宴。
Formal lunch belongs to a luncheon hosted by the formal degree is inferior to dinner.


11. 今年的奥斯卡竞争者们本周一齐聚洛杉矶,参加奥斯卡提名人午宴
This year's Oscar contenders gathered in Los Angeles on Monday for the traditional nominees' luncheon.


12. 二十人左右出席午宴,其中包括多洛霍夫和杰尼索夫。
Twenty persons were dining, among them Dolohov and Denisov.


13. 员工感恩周、服务答谢午宴以及重要事件庆祝活动等都推进了公司的使命达成。
Employee Appreciation Week, service award luncheons, and milestone celebrations further the company's mission.


14. 他在1876年的一幅早期画作展示了卡勒波特一家的一次午宴场景。
An early painting from 1876 shows the Caillebotte family at lunch.


15. 午宴后娜塔莎在安德烈公爵的请求下走到击弦古钢琴前面,唱起歌来。
After dinner Natasha went to the clavichord, at Prince Andrey's request, and began singing.


16. 当亚当斯出现在午宴上时,约翰·休姆怂恿我过去和他握手,我这样做了。
When Adams showed up at the lunch, John Hume encouraged me to go over and shake hands with him, so I did.


17. 看来他在午宴之前剪了头发,剃了连鬓胡子,这使他的脸型变得难看了。
He had, obviously with a view to the banquet, just had his hair cut and his whiskers clipped, which changed his appearance for the worse.


18. 美国俄克拉荷马城市大学举行午宴款待各位与会嘉宾、学生、亲友团和校友。
Lunch in honor of all guests, students, family and alumni, hosted by Oklahoma City University.


19. 能受邀参加王室的圣诞午宴是无上的荣耀,凯特不可能拒绝如此重要的邀请。
It is incredibly prestigious, so she is unlikely to turn down such an important invitation.


20. 这是一次正式的告别午宴,因为他和杰尼索夫在主显节后就要动身回到兵团里去。
This was a farewell dinner in Nikolay's honour, as he was to set off with Denisov after the baptism festival to rejoin his regiment.


21. 在举行午宴的那个早上,他乘渡轮从位于长洲的家中抵达中环,然后钻进一辆的士。
On the morning of the luncheon, he made his way to Central by ferry from his home in Cheung Chau, and then jumped into a taxi.


22. 在他所有这类恶作剧中最刻薄的,也是把客人蒙在鼓里时间最长的一次是为矮人举行的午宴
All such mischief in his most caustic, but also put the guests in the dark the longest time was a luncheon held for the dwarves.


23. 为庆祝我90岁生日,我所赞助的六百家慈善机构的志愿者和支持者来到了林荫路参加午宴
To mark my 90th birthday, volunteers and supporters of the six hundred charities of which I have been patron came to a lunch in the Mall.


24. 子谦,你父亲今日有事情耽搁在外,这午宴你就陪着你姨丈和两位表兄好好吃上几盅酒才是道理。
Son Qian, your dad occupies to defer in the outside today, this midday Yan you companion your uncle and two cousins well palatable up several Zhong brandy are truths.


25. 倒是凑巧了,莫如就把午宴摆在咱们园子东面那个水榭里,哪里地方敞亮,摆上两桌子倒也不显得挤。
Pour is coincidentally, Mo such for put noon Yan at our garden east noodles that water Xie in, where place the Chang is sunny, put two tables to gush don't seem to be to move as well.


26. 葬礼后,马克大部分原先的同学一起去参加午宴。马克的父母在那儿,显而易见,等着和他的老师交谈。
After the funeral, most of Mark's former classmates went together to a luncheon. Mark's mother and father were there, obviously waiting to speak with his teacher.


27. 同获此殊荣的人将在新闻发布会上露面,同时今天的午宴将在奥尔巴尼医学中心的希尔顿花园酒店举行。
The co-recipients of the Prize, who will share the award, were honored at a news conference and luncheon held today at the Hilton Garden Inn at Albany Medical Center.


28. 同获此殊荣的人将在新闻发布会上露面,同时今天的午宴将在奥尔巴尼医学中心的希尔顿花园酒店举行。
The co-recipients of the Prize, who will share the award, were honored at a news conference and luncheon held today at the Hilton Garden Inn at Albany Medical Center.
