1. 他是这场伟大胜利的主要功臣之一。
He was one of the main actoris of this magnificient win.


2. 勒布朗·詹姆斯可谓是比赛的大功臣
The greatness of LeBron James is measurable.


3. 汉初功臣集团是西汉最初的统治基础。
During the initial stage of the Han Empire, the Military Meritocracy is the pedestal of the government.


4. 中国消费者已经成为百胜业绩增长中的头号功臣
The Chinese consumer has become the star in this business’ growth story.


5. 而我被认为大功臣
And I am deemed responsible for it.


6. 首先,“智能电表”是提高家用能效的功臣之一。
First off, it's smart meters for home energy use that maximize efficiency.


7. 应为把你放倒的气体正是促进温室效应的“功臣”。
Because the gases used to knock you out contribute to global warming.


8. 虚拟化是增强服务的多用途能力和迁移能力的一大功臣
Virtualization is an important enabler of verstility and mobilty of services.


9. 德莱特特别提到了他的队友,曼联获胜的功臣吉布森。
De Laet reserved a special final mention for fellow young gun and Reds' match-winner Darron Gibson.


10. 进球的功臣巴顿用他的全场最佳球员奖来慰忌以被解雇的胡顿。
And goal hero Joey Barton dedicated his man of the match award to the deposed Hughton.


11. 当人们以感激的心情来颂扬这位功臣时,他却平静地辞世而去。
Come with appreciative mood when people emblazon when this hero, he is quiet however ground demit world and go.


12. 在人类文明的传承与人性的锻造过程中,语言无疑是一大功臣
In the course of inheritance of human civilization, and tempering of humanity, language is undoubtedly a great donor.


13. 整个上半场比赛,奥乔亚四次封堵出巴西的射门,成为球队的头号功臣
Throughout the first half, , Ochoa shot four times blocking out Brazil to become the team's number one hero.


14. 他可是为乐平带动了一个桃酥产业,创造了乐平一个特产和品牌的功臣
He's for yaumcha fuel a, which makes semi-finished industry creates yaumcha a specialty and brand of hero.


15. 古埃及的神明得到了子民们的崇敬,可实际上古埃及的化学家们才是真正的功臣
The gods got praised, but it was ancient chemists who deserved the credit.


16. 巴萨获胜功臣梅西在下半场的抓住绝佳机会,突然起脚射门,让对方防不甚防。
Messi, who characteristically scored Barca's winner with an excellent opportunist strike in the second half.


17. 人类第一个国王乃是一名成功的士兵,国家的功臣无需有荣耀的祖先。——伏尔泰。
The first human king but a successful soldier, hero of the country without glory ancestors. - Voltaire.


18. 我们容忍失误,但决不迁就功臣,并以最大的诚意,来培育、辅佐每个部属的成长。
We is tolerant of failure, but will never compromise a hero. with the biggest sincerity, foster and assist each subordinate to grow.


19. 李广虽然身居高位,统领千军万马,而且是保卫国家的功臣,但他一点也不居功自傲。
However, he did not claim credit for himself and become arrogant, although he held a high post, commanding a big army, and had rendered outstanding service in defending the county.


20. 很显然,翅膀是最大的功臣,那么鸟的骨头又空又细,应该也会帮助它们在飞行中减负吧!
Well, having wings obviously helps. And bird bones are hollow and seem delicate, which should help lighten the load.


21. 作为上赛季系列赛费城人队夺冠功臣之一,哈默尔斯本场比赛表现不佳甚至在第五节就被换下。
Hamels, one of the Phillies' heroes in last year's World Series success, was struggling and was replaced in the fifth.


22. 但是新加坡仍然是生活水平极高的金融中心,而李光耀则被铭记——是这一繁荣的最大功臣
But Singapore remains a big financial center with a high standard of living, and Lee Kuan Yew is remembered as the man who made its prosperity possible.


23. Jess和Lili是营造难忘之夜的功臣,尤其是他们在婚礼上的跳舞和具有感染力的幸福。
Jess and Lili were an instrumental part in creating a spectacular night, especially with their wedding dance and infectious happiness.


24. 哈佛大学在过去七十多年里跟踪研究了一组男性,由此得出结论,锻炼是美妙人生的一大功臣
Harvard study that has tracked a group of men for more than 70 years identified it as one of the secrets to a good life.


25. 哈佛大学在过去七十多年里跟踪研究了一组男性,由此得出结论,锻炼是美妙人生的一大功臣
Harvard study that has tracked a group of men for more than 70 years identified it as one of the secrets to a good life.
